A former member of The Bootleg Beatles passed away. Andre Barreau was the co-founder and original George of the Bootleg Beatles and more recently co-manager with Neil Harrison who played John.
A lovely man who was also well-known for his musical achievements, including the classic guitar solo on Robbie Williams’ “Angels.”
Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family, friends, and fans during this unimaginably difficult time. May his soul find peace, and may his music continue to resonate through the ages.
Andre was a great musician, artist, and friend to many and a genuinely nice person. He will be greatly missed. The music world mourns the loss of co-founder and original George of the Bootleg Beatles Andre Barreau who passed away this morning.
Andre Barreau has been leaving a positive effect on people for more than three decades. In The Bootleg Beatles, the actor who portrays George Harrison expresses to Dave Owens how much he values the opportunity.
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