Did Batman have a child with Catwoman?

On Earth-2, Catwoman had frequently battled Batman in their Golden Age days, but she eventually gave up her life of crime and revealed her secret identity to him. Bruce and Selina fell in love and married (sounds almost familiar, no?). They had a daughter and named her Helena Wayne.

Did Batman and Catwoman have a son?

Aion is the son of Batman and Catwoman.

Did Bruce and Selina have a child?

In the year 1957 on the parallel dimension known as Earth-Two, aging hero Bruce Wayne and his wife, Selina Kyle, gave birth to a daughter named "Helena Wayne." When Helena Wayne was nineteen years old, a tragic mishap claimed the life of her mother.

Who is the father of Catwoman's baby?

Helena Kyle is the daughter of Selina Kyle and Sam Bradley.

Does Catwoman have any children?

As a mother. Following the events of Infinite Crisis, the DC Universe jumps forward in time. After "One Year later", Selina Kyle is no longer Catwoman, she has left the East End, and has given birth to a daughter named Helena.

Batman's Daughter with Catwoman EXPLAINED! Helena Wayne's Full Story and Abilities

Did Batman get cat pregnant?

In this week's Catwoman 80th anthology, a story by Tom King and Mikel Janín confirms that Batman and Catwoman are having a baby — a daughter that the story's title reveals will be named Helena.

Does Bruce Wayne have a child?

Robin (Damian Wayne) – The biological son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul as well as the grandson of Ra's al Ghul. Damian is raised largely by subordinates in his grandfather's terrorist organization, the League of Assassins, and trained by his mother until he began living in Gotham with the Wayne family.

Does Catwoman have a daughter?

Batman and Catwoman's Daughter Helena Wayne Has a Long History in DC Comics.

Do Bruce and Selina end up together?

In Earth-2, Bruce and Selina become engaged, get married, have a daughter, and live happily ever after until death does them part. In Tom King's Rebirth run, Prime Earth Bruce and Selina get engaged and married, leading to a bittersweet but satisfying ending.

Who is Superman's daughter?

Supergirl is the daughter of Superman and Wonder Woman from a future where Lex Luthor and Brainiac control the Earth. She has inherited both Kryptonian and Amazon powers from her parents.

Did Batman and Batgirl have a child?

Not only is Bruce and Barbara's past relationship scandalous to fans— it's also infuriating to Dick Grayson, who was her boyfriend at the time. In a world inspired by the beloved DC Animated Universe, Batman once got Batgirl pregnant.

Is Selina pregnant?

Actress Celestine 'Selina' Gachuhi announces pregnancy with exquisite photos. Actress Celestine Gachuhi popularly known as Selina and her fiancé Phil Kimemia have announced to the world that they are expecting their first child together.

How many kids does Batman have?

We know that over the years Batman has fathered children with Selina Kyle (Helena Wayne) and Talia al Ghul (Damian Wayne), but he has also had many adopted children like Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, and Cassandra Cain. Then there is also the bizarre case of Terry McGinnis.

Who is Batman's son's mother?

Damian's origin was unknown to Batman. Damian was genetically perfected and grown in an artificial womb to be the perfect warrior. He is raised by his mother Talia al Ghul and the League of Assassins.

Why did Selina leave Bruce?

The question weighs on her, causing her to worry about Gotham's future without its Dark Knight. Ultimately, Catwoman concludes that Batman needs darkness to thrive, so she leaves Bruce at the altar in 2018's Batman #50.

Are Bruce and Selina married?

Various DC titles established the existence of Earth-2, an alternate universe where the heroes of DC's Golden Age comics still exist. In this world, Batman and Catwoman eventually got married and raised a daughter, Helena. Long before they settled down in the regular DCU, Bruce and Selina tied the knot on Earth-2.

Is Cassandra Cain Batman's daughter?

Cassandra Cain is a member of the Batman Family and protege of Batman. The daughter of assassins David Cain and Lady Shiva, she was raised to become the greatest weapon for the League of Assassins. However, horrified from her first killing, she fled to the Batman Family for protection.

Who is Batman's favorite son?

Richard Grayson is clearly Batman's favorite son.

Does Batman have a blood son?

The son of Batman and Talia al Ghul, Damian Wayne is a spoiled brat with a nearly unmatched natural fighting ability. Only 13 years old, Damian has taken on the Bat-Family, including Robin, Red Hood, and Nightwing in single combat, successfully defeating them in one capacity or another.

Does Superman have a kid?

Half Kryptonian and half-human, Jon is the biological son of post-Crisis Superman/Clark Kent and Lois Lane and the couple's child in DC Comics canon. His parents named him in honor of his grandfathers, Jonathan Kent and Samuel Lane.

Which comic is Catwoman pregnant?

Tom King has been unveiling bits and pieces about his story for the upcoming Catwoman 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1 for weeks. First, he released the picture of Batman holding a pregnant Catwoman and now, he and DC released a new group of panels.

In which comic does Catwoman get pregnant?

Batman: The Adventures Continue #5.

Is Catwoman a member of the Bat-Family?

However, over the past few years, Catwoman started to change and no longer a villain as much as she was an antihero. When she finally admitted her love for Batman, she became a member of the Bat Family — a former villain turned ally.
