Who can beat Dr Strange in DC?

Black Adam is someone who can not only match Doctor Strange in terms of magic but he can also manhandle him when it comes to hand-to-hand combat. Doctor Strange will have to bring about some dark magic in order to gain an upper hand in this one, but even Stephen isn't that desperate.

Who is stronger than Doctor Strange in DC?

Clea has been the Sorcerer Supreme of the Dark Dimension and is now the Sorcerer Supreme in Earth-616 after the death of Doctor Strange in current comics. Her extraordinary skill in magic made her the ideal choice to take over for him.

Who defeats Dr Strange?

Doctor Strange is Earth's Sorcerer Supreme, but he was actually beaten by the X-Men's Magik - and now Marvel has finally explained how. This article contains spoilers for New Mutants #25. Marvel has finally revealed why Doctor Strange was easily defeated by the X-Men's Magik.

Who can defeat classic Dr Strange?

While he is the soccorer supreme, possesses time stone , cloak of levitation , he isn't invincible and one of his fellow teammate can defeat him . Yes u r right , I am talking about Thor , the God of thunder with his powerful hammer mjolnir .

What is Dr Strange's weakness?

Doctor Strange's weakness is that he keeps his own counsel

Strange makes a lot of pivotal decisions that seem inexplicable to his allies, and more often than not, he does it without bothering to explain himself.

10 Heroes Who Can Beat Dr Strange

Who is the strongest Marvel character?


Over 3000 years old, Hercules, the son of Zeus, is considered the physically strongest character in the entire Marvel universe.

Can Ghost Rider Beat Dr Strange?

While it is unlikely, should Johnny Blaze close the gap on Doctor Strange and engage him in a physical fight, the Ghost Rider would win with ease. In addition to Johnny's experience in fistfights, he has his flaming chain and the super-strength of the Ghost Rider.

Who is stronger Dr Strange or John Constantine?

Doctor Strange wins.

John Constantine wins against powerful supernatural beings with trickery and subterfuge. Doctor Strange defeats such entities by facing them directly, even if he can't win head on. Constantine's magic also generally requires preparation to pull off, while Strange can do most of his on the spot.

Who is the most powerful in DC?

The 15 Most Powerful DC Characters, Ranked

  • Doctor Manhattan. Image via Warner Bros.
  • Eclipso. Image via DC Comics. ...
  • Superman. Image via HBO Max/Warner Bros. ...
  • Lex Luthor. Image via DC Comics. ...
  • Darkseid. Image via HBO Max. ...
  • Wonder Woman. Image via Warner Bros. ...
  • Shazam. Image via DC Comics. ...
  • Doctor Fate. Image via DC Comics. ...

Who is stronger Doctor Strange vs Odin?

Doctor Strange is officially more powerful than Odin. In the comics, the line of Sorcerers Supreme began 1,000,000 years ago with a mystical being named Agamotto. He served alongside a group of proto-Avengers, driving back demonic threats and helping ensure the human race had a future.

Who can beat Dr Doom?

10 Marvel Heroes Everyone Forgets Defeated Doctor Doom

  • 3 3. Ant-Man.
  • 4 4. Deadpool. ...
  • 5 5. Iron Man. ...
  • 6 6. Luke Cage. ...
  • 7 7. Wonder Man. ...
  • 8 8. X-23. ...
  • 9 9. Spider-Man. ...
  • 10 10. Black Panther. When Wakanda was overthrown by a highly trained team of insurgents, Black Panther knew that there must be an intelligent leader behind the attack. ...

Who would win Doctor Strange Vs Iron Man?

Dr. Strange has no special passive defenses. So, if Iron Man just cuts loose on Dr. Strange before he can respond, Iron Man wins.

Can Darkseid beat Dr Strange?

5 Doctor Strange Is Smart Enough To Take Down Darkseid

Doctor Strange's magic is great, but he wins with his intelligence just as much as his power. He has outsmarted elder gods and unknowably ancient beings. Darkseid is crafty, but Doctor Strange has dealt with his lot before.

Can Scarlet Witch beat Dr Strange?

Scarlet Witch

As a hero, she is absolutely more powerful than Doctor Strange, and most heroes and villains in the MCU — so with no holds barred, villainous and unhindered, there's no telling how powerful she will be.

Can Dr Strange beat a celestial?

After a while, he received the Power Cosmic from Galactus himself and achieved immeasurable superpowers. Imagine a Celestial Ghost Rider and the kind of damage he can seriously cause; Doctor Strange would be absolutely destroyed if a one-on-one battle would ever take place.

Who can defeat Ghost Rider?

In Guardians of the Galaxy # 6 of Cates and Shaw's 2019 series run, Hela is shown to easily be able to subdue the Cosmic Ghost Rider. Since, at his core, the Rider is the deceased corpse of Frank Castle, and Hela holds dominion over the dead, she beats him without even breaking a sweat.

Who would win Hulk or Ghost Rider?

The immense powers of Ghost Rider have very rarely been used against the Hulk, but when Robbie Reyes takes on a truly sinister threat, Ghost Rider proves that he can beat the Hulk anytime he wants with one brutal move.

Who would win Ghost Rider vs venom?

Ghost Rider recently ascended to the role of All-Rider, with fantastic new powers that he uses to beat Venom down in the most unreal way. Warning: spoilers ahead for Avengers Forever #3!

Who would win spawn or Ghost Rider?

When it comes to a battle between the two agents of Hell, Spawn would be the winner. It is because he has more experience than Ghost Rider, especially when it comes to battles. He is angstier, gloomier, and angrier anit-hero. And when facing Ghost Rider in a match, he can easily take him down with his fighting skills.

Is Strange Supreme the most powerful?

Dr Strange Supreme is the most powerful version of Dr. Strange in the MCU from the What If Series. Strange Supreme in his own Multiverse Timeline took a very different path but eventually ended up the second most powerful being in the Multiverse behind Infinity Stone powered Ultron.

Is Strange Supreme evil?

Based on Strange Supreme never truly being evil and the high number of other possible enemies, Multiverse of Madness' villain is most likely someone else altogether. One reason Strange Supreme will not be the main villain in Multiverse of Madness is that he never meant to become a villain at all.

Who is Dr Strange's nemesis?

Baron Karl Amadeus Mordo (known as Baron Mordo) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character is depicted commonly as an adversary of Doctor Strange. The character was created by writer Stan Lee and artist Steve Ditko, and first appeared in Strange Tales #111 (Aug.
