Jason David Frank Autopsy Photos- His Cause Of Death Revealed

Jason David Frank autopsy photos were being searched over the internet after the tragic death of Power Ranger’s star.

It was confirmed by Jason’s wife that her husband and the “Power Rangers” star’s death was caused by suicide. 

Jason David Frank autopsy photos

According to the sources, it was confirmed that there are no Jason David frank autopsy photos. 

If there is any detail or information related to Jason David frank autopsy photos, then this section will be updated. 

However, Jason’s fans know that he died due to suicide which is a great shock for his family and his fans. 

Jason David Frank Death

Tammie Frank provided a statement in which she spoke about her husband’s passing. It was confirmed that Jason died at the age of 49. 

She said, “tragically lost his life to suicide just last week.” She said that apart from Jason being popular, he would keep a normal life with his wife. She also said the two had ups and downs like one else. 

Discussing her husband’s death, she says she was saddened and couldn’t believe that her husband had passed away. She said that after Jason’s death, she was harassed online. 

Frank said Jason and his wife were facing some problems in their marriage. She added, “His death comes as much a shock to me as anyone else.”

She also said, “The truth is, I had no idea that Jason was thinking of ending things.” She admitted that he was suffering from mental health issues and had to struggle with depression. 

She said she was shocked and couldn’t believe that her husband would commit suicide. 

As per sources, it was confirmed that the couple had 19 years of marriage. Jason’s daughter Shayla died a year back, and Frank said the couple raised their daughter together. 

Frank said, “Between losing her and helping raise her baby son, Jason and I started having marital issues.”

He added, “For anyone who has known the pain of losing a child, I know you understand how such a loss changes things in your marriage.”

The couple decided to get separated, but they later decided that they would reconcile their relationship

Jason’s wife said that the night he died, she and Jason had a heartfelt conversation after returning from the bar.

She said in a statement that Jason went to relax in his room while she went downstairs to get some snacks from the lobby. She returned back in less than 10 minutes and began knocking on the door. 

She said that she knocked several times and called him by his name, but he didn’t respond.

As Frank was telling, she immediately said that no more assumptions should be made and her family should be left alone for some time to grieve peacefully. 

She added she and her family wanted to keep the happiest memories of her husband with them. “To all the fans and supporters of Jason and our family, thank you for your kind words and wishes and God bless you all,” she concluded.
