Can Giorno beat Luffy?

4) Giorno Giovanna (Gold Experience Requiem)

With this in mind, Luffy could do nothing to circumvent these powers, even with the One Piece protagonist's latest powerup, and as a result, Giorno and his stand effortlessly win each time.

Who would win Luffy or Giorno Giovanna?

While Luffy is great in a fight against regular humans or even multiple humans, he has lost quite a few times. Naruto has as well, but he is typically able to mount a comeback by the end. Naruto's fights against Pain, Sasuke, and Kaguya all ended with Naruto coming out the winner, in one way or another.

How strong is giorno?

Giorno has the ability of negation, allowing him to reset anything to 0. This includes Infinite Spin and Plunder, which are both powerful abilities that can't be avoided or defeated easily. On top of being able to trap victims in an infinite death loop, canon Giorno is without a doubt the most powerful JoJo.

Who can Luffy beat in other anime?

One Piece: 5 Anime Characters Monkey D. Luffy Can Defeat (& 5 He Can't)

  • 10 Can Defeat: Sakata Gintoki. ...
  • 9 Can't Defeat: Naruto Uzumaki. ...
  • 8 Can Defeat: Joseph Joestar. ...
  • 7 Can't Defeat: Son Goku. ...
  • 6 Can Defeat: Boruto Uzumaki. ...
  • 5 Can't Defeat: All Might. ...
  • 4 Can Defeat: Thorfinn. ...
  • 3 Can't Defeat: Meliodas.

Who would win Luffy vs Naruto?

In a nutshell, Naruto wouldn't just win but he'd also destroy Luffy. But don't be discouraged, One Piece fans; Luffy is powerful in his own way and is part of a distinct universe. While he's not going to be able to take on Naruto He will certainly be able to defeat Kaidou.

Top 10 Anime Powers That Can Beat ANYTHING

Can Luffy beat DEKU?

Luffy wouldn't exactly peat Deku easily, but he'll still beat him. Deku would only win if he had full access to One For All, including all the quirks of the previous users. He already has one, but it'll probably take awhile before he gets them all. So in short, Luffy would win.

Can Sasuke beat Luffy?

Sasuke is arguably one of the strongest rivals Naruto has ever faced. Aside from his incredible hand-to-hand prowess, Sasuke is a great strategist capable of creating complex battle strategies on the fly, making it very likely he can outsmart Luffy.

Can Todoroki beat Luffy?

Half-Hot Half-Cold equips Todoroki with lots of ammunition to defeat Luffy. Not only can he just fill the room with fire or ice, but he's also incredibly agile with how his ice skills allow him to evade attacks and stay in motion.

Who can defeat Luffy gear 5?

1) Marshall D. Teach - Blackbeard. Blackbeard is arguably the biggest counter to Luffy's Gear Fifth.

Who called Luffy the fifth emperor?

Massive spoilers for Chapter 903 of One Piece below! Chapter 902 marked the end of the Whole Cake Island arc, so Chapter 903 begins with the fallout of its events. How does it end? With Luffy being named "The Fifth Emperor" in a report of Luffy's fight with Big Mom by Morgans.

Is Giorno unbeatable?

With his life-creating Stand, Gold Experience, Giorno's taken down a lot of strong foes, but of course, he's not invincible and has almost been done him a few times himself.

Can Giorno stop time?

RTZ is the ultimate ability and will prevent time stop from ever happening. So giorno cant move in stopped time, but he can make it so it wont happen.

What is Giorno's strongest ability?

His stand, Golden Experience, and its later form, Golden Experience Requiem, is perhaps one of the most powerful abilities we've seen in the whole of the series so far. Being that Giorno is so powerful, there are some slim pickings as far as enemies that would be able to defeat him go.

Does Luffy gear 5 beat Naruto?

Luffy is that the audience really doesn't have the after effects from Gear 5 down yet. Gear 5 only started making the rounds as of One Piece chapter 1044, and some fans say that a bout of Naruto vs. Luffy in these states all but guarantees Luffy's triumph.

Who would win Luffy or Ichigo?

Ichigo may be Bleach's main protagonist, but even he has lost quite a few fights, and he would definitely lose to Luffy if they ever fought each other.

Who is currently the strongest One Piece character?

10 Strongest Characters in One Piece Ever

  • 1)"Pirate King" Gol D. Roger. ...
  • 2)"Whitebeard" Edward Newgate. Dubbed the "strongest man alive" after Roger's death. ...
  • 3)"Golden Lion" Shiki. ...
  • 4)Monkey D. ...
  • 5)"Red Haired" Shanks. ...
  • 6)"Fleet-Admiral" Sengoku. ...
  • 7)"Garp the Fist" Monkey D. ...
  • 8)"Dark King" Silvers Rayleigh.

Who is the strongest anime character?

The 12 Strongest Anime Characters of All Time

  • 1 Saitama (One Punch Man)
  • 2 Son Goku (Dragon Ball) ...
  • 3 Giorno Giovanna (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) ...
  • 4 Anos Voldigoad (The Misfit of Demon King Academy) ...
  • 5 Tetsuo Shima (Akira) ...
  • 6 Muzan Kibutsuji (Demon Slayer) ...
  • 7 Kaguya Otsutsuki (Naruto) ...
  • 8 Yhwach (Bleach) ...
  • Is Luffy the strongest anime character?

    1 Saitama - One Punch Man

    Saitama from One Punch Man is the strongest character in anime.

    Can Deku beat Tanjiro?

    Tanjiro would win, because Deku have no way of killing Tanjiro. Deku may be stronger but in the end Tanjiro would win by stamina or landing a hit at Deku, which have poison that would kill Deku.

    Who can Luffy not defeat?

    Here are the five characters that Luffy can't beat yet and five he never will.

  • 1 Never Will: Joy Boy.
  • 2 Not Yet: Imu. ...
  • 3 Never Will: Dracule Mihawk. ...
  • 4 Not Yet: Blackbeard. ...
  • 5 Never Will: Monkey D. ...
  • 6 Not Yet: Shanks. ...
  • 7 Never Will: Silvers Rayleigh. ...
  • 8 Not Yet: Akainu. ...
  • Can Deku beat Bakugo?

    9 Can't Defeat: Bakugo

    In a fair fight, Bakugo will win against Deku. Twice now these two have faced each other, and there will undoubtedly be more duels in the future. The truth of the matter is that someday Deku will likely be able to defeat Bakugo; however, he has a long way to go before reaching that point.

    Can Itachi beat Luffy?

    He uses his ability quite creatively and has mastered all 3 forms of Haki. In a fight against Itachi, the current Luffy in his Gear Four is in a totally different class from Itachi. This Fight will be an easy win for Luffy.

    Can Sakura beat Luffy?

    Sakura Haruno: Sakura's punches would damage Luffy even though he can act as rubber. There's no way he can dodge her brute strength and make out of the fight alive.

    Can Naruto beat Luffy without Kurama?

    Naruto wouldn't even need to enter Kurama Mode, his strongest form, for Luffy to be entirely out-gunned. Naruto is so absurdly powerful that, when working alongside Sasuke, the two shinobi have enough raw power to demolish an entire continent.

    Can Deku defeat Dabi?

    Although not the worst Villain, Gentle posed a great threat to U.A with the powers of his Elasticity Quirk. With La Brava's help, he became a force to be reckoned with. However, Midoriya still managed to topple him. Dabi, an elite Villain, would definitely be able to pull off something just like Midoriya.
