Harold from Match Me Abroads job is wildly different from online artwork Mon 7 August 2023 1

Harold from Match Me Abroad has a job in radiation and is believed to have a high net worth, but he has now begun selling artwork online. He revealed that he wants a prenup before going on dates on the TLC series. We peeked at Harold and Michaela’s Instagram to take a peek at their jobs and hobbies.

He has been dating Michaela on Match Me Abroad. She lives in Prague, while he resides in America, so he only had limited time in her country to get to know her. He even proposed after two dates…

Harold on Match Me Abroad – job

Harold is a radiation protection technician, while Michaela, from Prague, enjoys sci-fi and does yoga for a living. Harold said, “We have the same love for the same things and I think we’ll be a good match.”

He wanted a prenup before he began dating and did his “due diligence” before he embarked on his quest to find love. Harold met with an attorney to discuss the possibility of a prenuptial agreement before ever meeting a potential wife.

“So, I have a lot of intellectual property, intellectual property for products and inventions and processes and so forth,” Harold tells the lawyer. “So I wanted to know how could a premarital agreement protect me?

TLC star sells art on Instagram

Harold, who has autism, shared his concerns about his finances in a confessional. “I want to protect my art, but also, am an inventor and I collect all my ideas and I put them in my books,” he says.

The 41-year-old artist is now selling his artwork on Instagram. He plans to start creating originals for his Etsy page if enough fans are interested in buying his pieces and currently runs an online pop-up shop.

His artwork ranges from $15 to $300. And he’s not just an artist but an inventor. “This is book 10. I have nine others that are about, this big, that I filled but one page per invention,” he says as he shows detailed sketches of his creations.

“These are my fun rain inventions. This miniature umbrella, a bubble poncho, and special bearings so you can slick the rain off your umbrella in a swift motion.” The invention could be worth “several million to tens of millions of dollars.”

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Michaela shares her cancer journey on IG

Michaela has been sharing updates on her cancer journey. She shared a mirror selfie in July talking about chemotherapy. She wrote, “I think that after 18 chemo it is not bad,” and received an influx of well wishes.

She is currently undergoing treatment a year on from when she dated Harold and revealed on Facebook:

It’s not about me and Harold. From my last date with Harold, I went to the hospital. I have cancer, I had an operation, now I can’t have children and I am in rent now. I have to go on chemotherapy every 14 days. I can’t travel or move. I have to go on chemo until my live. It’s not possible.

Her relationship status on Facebook states that she is currently single. Michaela regularly practices yoga and even gave Harold a lesson while they dated, alongside attending cosplay events and playing games.

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In the US, contact Cancer Care at 800‑813‑HOPE (4673) or visit this link, [email protected]. You can also call the American Cancer Society on 1-800-227-234 or visit their website (Find Support Programs and Services in Your Area)

In the UK you can call Breast Cancer Now free on 0808 800 6000 or visit Cancer Research UK (Breast cancer resources and support organisations), or Macmillan Cancer Support (Breast cancer).
