Is Elizabeth Banks pregnant as Press Your Luck fans question loose outfit? Fri 5 August 2022 14

Elizabeth Banks has been faced with pregnancy speculation after she wore a loose-fitting blue jumpsuit while hosting ABC’s Press Your Luck. So, is she actually expecting or is it all based on fan guesses?

Since the game show’s 2020 renewal, the popularity of the series has risen dramatically, showing just how much viewers missed its absence on their TV screens. Now in its fourth season, Elizabeth’s outfit is catching attention.

While many have commented on how much they like the host’s outfit, there’s another question brewing among fans, and that’s whether Elizabeth could be expecting another baby. Reality Titbit did some digging to find out.

Is Elizabeth Banks pregnant?

No, Elizabeth is not expecting a baby at the time of writing and cannot carry children. The mother-of-two revealed on her website in 2019 that she has struggled to get pregnant in the past, and wrote:

The one true hurdle I’ve faced in life is that I have a broken belly. After years of trying to get pregnant, exploring the range of fertility treatments, all unsuccessful, our journey led us to gestational surrogacy.

She said that her first child came with two miracles, which included first, meeting her carrier and her husband, as well as welcoming her son Felix into the world. Elizabeth wearing a loose-fitting outfit is simply just that!

Reality Titbit has contacted Elizabeth for comment.

The Press Your Luck host’s children

Elizabeth has two sons with her husband Max Handelman, who were born via surrogacy. She named her “miracle baby” Felix, born in 2011. She has detailed how he lives up to his name, which means ‘happy’ and ‘lucky’ in Latin.

They also have another son, Magnus Mitchell Handelman, nine, who was born in 2012. Elizabeth previously thanked the Center for Surrogate Parenting for helping to bring her children into the world.

The two brothers are 20 months apart. Talking about having children via surrogacy, she told The Independent:

I definitely think I’m still judged for what I’ve done and that people don’t understand by choices, but I don’t feel I owe anybody any explanation. If my story helps people feel less alone on their journey, then I’m grateful for that.

Elizabeth tends to keep her children away from the spotlight, and only posts photos of herself on social media with Max here and there. She recently took a vacation to Greece, where she is believed to be with her family.

She addressed pregnancy rumors in 2016

When Jennifer Aniston revealed she is “not pregnant” but instead felt “fed up” in a 2016 Huffington Post article, Elizabeth shared a link to it which quoted: “I love #JenniferAniston.”

Having faced her own experience of pregnancy rumors for years, Elizabeth received over 800 likes on the Tweet posted six years ago. One section of the article written by Jennifer stated:

For the record, I am not pregnant. What I am is fed up. I’m fed up with the sport-like scrutiny and body shaming that occurs daily under the guise of “journalism,” the “First Amendment” and “celebrity news.

Several of Elizabeth’s followers agreed, with one stating: “AMEN to THAT!!! Jeez! Pretty sure I’ll be in my 70s and still have people telling me I’ll change my mind about having kids!”

I love #JenniferAniston: "For the record, I am not pregnant. What I am is fed up." via @HuffPostWomen

— Elizabeth Banks (@ElizabethBanks) July 13, 2016
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