Susan Jameson Children: Meet James Bolams Daughter Lucy Bolam, And Susan Jamesons Son Nigel Wi

Lucy Bolam is the daughter of English actor, James Bolam and Susan Jameson.

Table of Contents

Lucy Bolam age

How old is Lucy Bolam? Lucy Bolam is 45 years old.

Lucy Bolam date of birth

When was Lucy Bolam born? What is Lucy Bolam’s date of birth? Lucy Bolam was born in 1977; the day and month are not yet known.

Nigel Williams

Who is Nigel Williams? Nigel Williams is the son of English actress, Susan James.

Nigel Williams age

How old is Nigel Williams? Nigel Williams is 62 years.

Nigel Williams date of birth

What is Nigel Williams’ date of birth? Nigel Williams was born in 1960; the day and month are not known yet.

Nigel Williams father

Who is Nigel Williams’ father? Nigel Williams’ father is not known.

James Bolam movies and tv shows

What are some of the popular movies and tv shows by James Bolam? James Bolam has starred in several movies and tv shows. Some of them include;

  • The Likely Lads (1964-1966)
  • New Tricks (2003-2015)
  • Granpa in My Pocket (2009-2014)
  • Born and Bred (2002-2005)

James Bolam net worth

What is James Bolam’s net worth? How much is James Bolam worth? How rich is James Bolam? James Bolam’s real net worth is not yet known, however, it is believed that he has a few million dollars to his name.
