Botcheds Bruna Twin Nadinne suffers from irreversible eye damage after surgery Wed 25 May 20

The Bruna twins walked away from Botched with no procedures thanks to the advice from Dr Dubrow and Dr Nassif but a year later, one twin underwent a life-changing procedure that even the super surgeons wouldn’t be able to fix.

Botched has seen some gnarly surgeries over the years but sometimes, they walk out of the clinic without any work done by the talented hands of Dr Terry Dubrow and Dr Paul Nassif due to their words of wisdom.

The Bruna twins appeared on the E! show in season 4 with individual Botched procedures but in hindsight, it was a minor problem compared to what one twin experienced after.

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Botched: The Bruna twin’s terror

Argentinian twins, Nadinne and Dannita walked into the consultation with butt augmentations that stunned even the doctors. With 300cc’s injected into their derrieres, they had the largest fat transfer they had ever seen, but that wasn’t the dilemma at hand.

The gym-goer siblings work as fitness models so, of course, they want to sculpt their bodies into their idea of perfection. For Nadinne, her goal was to fix the symmastia in her breasts, an implant displacement issue that causes the implants to come together and form the “uniboob” appearance.

The Bruna twins LOVE plastic surgery. Spoiler alert: their butts are NOT natural. Don't miss #Botched TONIGHT at 9pm on E!

— E! UK & IRELAND (@EOnlineUK) July 18, 2017
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Dannita, on the other hand, wanted to get rid of excess arm skin that has knocked her confidence despite her hours of weight training.

The patients never went through them because Nadine was unwilling to reduce her breast size by half, and Dannita would gain a scar halfway down her arm. Ultimately, the consequences weren’t worth the results.

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Nadinne’s eye procedure has scarred her for life

Unfortunately, then 32-year-old Nadinne still wanted to alter her looks, and more specifically her eyes.

She underwent the controversial retinal implant surgery to change her hazel eyes to a light grey, but the NY Post reports that it damaged her optic nerves, causing glaucoma, an incurable eye condition that can cause gradual blindness. It is most common in those over the age of 60.

The procedure is allegedly unapproved in the US, so Nadinne flew to Colombia in September 2016. It cost $3000 in exchange for a promotion on her Instagram.

She returned to Colombia twice in hopes to repair the damage, but ultimately got the implants taken out at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute in Miami. The influencer reportedly lost 80 per cent of vision in her right eye and 50 per cent in her left eye.

