Rachelle DArgent tells 60 Minutes she will never forgive Ramazan Acar for killing Yazmina, 2

THE mother of a two-year-old girl brutally murdered by her father says she hopes the child haunts him for the rest of his life.

Ramazan Acar, 24, who was estranged from Rachelle D'Argent, kidnapped their daughter Yazmina last November and stabbed her to death.

But first he posted Facebook messages boasting of his intentions and taunted his ex-partner in text messages.

In a60 Minutes interview shown tonight, Ms D'Argent vowed she would never forgive Acar - "ever, ever, ever."

She also told of being beaten by Acar before ending their violent relationship in May last year.

But even after it was over, Acar kept harassing her, breaching 28 intervention orders.

The final breach was Yazmina's kidnap.

The Victorian Supreme Court found Acar was consumed by hatred for his ex-partner and murdered Yazmina for revenge.

Ms D'Argent said although he was violent towards her when they were together, he had never harmed their daughter.

"He held (her) in the air like a jewel," she said.

Before killing the child, Acar phoned Ms D'Argent to allow her to speak to Yazmina one last time.

"I told her I loved her," she said.

She didn't believe he would kill her until he phoned back and told her he had stabbed Yazmina to death.

Seven hours later, police found the toddler's body dumped in a field on Melbourne's northern outskirts.

On Friday, Acar was jailed for life, with no chance of parole until 2044, for a murder a Victorian Supreme Court judge described as the worst possible kind.

"I want him to suffer every day in there - I hope Yazmina haunts him every night, every night," said her mother.
