When Taylor Swift started doing promo for "Midnights," she first described it as "the stories of 13 sleepless nights scattered throughout my life" on Twitter. If every song is truly autobiographical, then Swift used "Midnight Rain" to tell another side of her romantic history where she's not the heartbroken hopeless romantic. Rather, she's the one doing the heart breaking. During the intro, a haunting voice (that doesn't appear to be Swift's) sings, "Rain/He wanted it comfortable/ I wanted that pain/ He wanted a bride/I was making my own name/Chasing that fame/He stayed the same/All of me changed/Like midnight." This suggests Swift once chose her singing career over a previous relationship.
Once Swift's voice kicks off the first verse, she paints an even clearer picture, singing of her "wasteland" of a hometown, that was full of "pageant queens and big pretenders," ending it with the highly quotable line, "I broke his heart cause he was nice." After a repeat of the intro, Swift sings of "the life I gave away," possibly hinting at her pre-fame existence.
However, the end of the song really cements the fact that "Midnight Rain" is about a long lost love. "And he never thinks of me/Except when I'm on TV...And I never think of him/Except on midnights like this," Swift sings. Of course, the Swifties are already on social media trying to figure how just who this mystery guy is.