How Old Is Oscar Peterson Wife Kelly Peterson? Everything On Her Children And More

The late pianist Oscar Peterson’s wife, Kelly Peterson’s age might be around the sixties.

Kelly Peterson is best known as the wife of the late Canadian jazz pianist Oscar Peterson.

Oscar, a legendary musician, was married multiple times and Kelly is his last wife who was with him during his later days.

He was such a brilliant pianist that he is known as the Maharaja of the Keyboard which might be one of the biggest praise that anyone could get.

With the latest documentary release about the late musician, the attention has shifted towards the wife of Oscar.

Oscar and Kelly had such a beautiful love story that it could melt your heart when you know how they met and got together.

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How Old Is Oscar Peterson Wife Kelly Peterson? Age Revealed

Oscar Peterson’s wife Kelly Peterson’s age might be around 60-70 years old.

Kelly is the fourth wife of the late musician Peterson with whom he stayed together for around two decades until he died in 2007.

While the exact details about her birthdate and age are not disclosed, she looks much younger than Oscar Peterson in their photos.

Hence, it is believed that Kelly’s age might be in the 60s considering Oscar died at the age of 82 in 2007.

Kelly Peterson Wikipedia Bio

Kelly Peterson doesn’t have a dedicated Wikipedia bio since she is not a celebrity or a famous person herself.

She is best known as the wife of the musician and thus Kelly is not recognized by the Wikipedia page.

On the other hand, her late husband Oscar has a detailed Wikipedia bio that highlights his career events and achievements.

Besides Wikipedia, not many personal details about Kelly Peterson can be found on the internet as well.

However, it is known that Kelly was a big fan of Oscar who met the pianist during her work as a manager of a fish restaurant.

How Many Children Does Kelly Peterson Have?

Kelly Peterson has a daughter with her deceased husband Oscar Peterson.

Kelly’s daughter is Celine Peterson and she is one of the seven children that Oscar has from his four marriages.

Born in 1991, Celine is 30 years old now and works as a social media manager as known from the internet.

Oscar Peterson And His Wife Kelly Peterson: Where Is She Now?

Oscar Peterson’s wife Kelly Peterson is currently based in Toronto, Canada where she resides with her family.

Apparently, Oscar and Kelly met back in 1981 when the musician visited a restaurant that was managed by Kelly during the late night.

It was just after Oscar’s concert that he had come to eat in the fish restaurant where Kelly was working.

Kelly was a big fan of the musician but couldn’t attend the nearby concert due to her works.

After Oscar came to the place, Kelly talked about being a big fan of the musician and they talked while the pianist finished his meal.

Upon leaving, he gave her his business card saying to contact him and come to New York.

It took Kelly some years to finally make her decision to go the pianist and eventually the couple fell in love as they spent some time together at a music festival.
