Girls Incarcerated: Where is Jessica Jesse Rose now? Is she in jail? Fri 5 July 2019 16:3

Girls Incarcerated has been one of Netflix’s most interesting and unique docu-series in a long while.

Following the girls who enter the Juvenile Correctional Facility in LaPorte, Indiana through their time in the facility to their release, viewers get a first-hand insight into the life and motivations of young offenders.

One of the most talked about girls featured on the show was Jessica ‘Jesse’ Rose.

So why was Jesse Rose so difficult during Girls Incarcerated and where is she now?

Here’s everything you need to know.

Screenshot: Girls Incarcerated S2 E1 – Netflix

Meet Jesse Rose…

When Jesse was featured on the show, she was 16-years-old with just three months until she was supposed to be released.

After a difficult childhood, where by the age of seven her father had been locked up for 2o0 years for an unspecified crime, Jesse had been involved in a variety of crimes herself.

Some of the crimes she had been charged with were drug possession, robbery, battery and carjacking.

But not only did Jesse have a complicated with the law and her family, but her fellow inmates. One of the girls on the show said:

Rose is probably my least favourite person in this entire facility.

She clearly wasn’t all too popular there.

Where is Jesse now?

At the end of the second season the producers featured a ‘where are they now’ type conclusion.

Since her release, it said she applied and was accepted to Ivy Tech Community College.

But it would unfortunately seem that Jesse has since re-entered the system. A cousin of hers – Chase Kistler – confirmed she was in the system again on his Instagram.

Although it is unconfirmed why she re-entered, an Instagram account dedicated to posting updates on the Girls Incarcerated cast believes that she failed her drug test while under house arrest.

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Look me in my eyes nigga ima win , Ima get this money nigga ima live.💵💯

A post shared by Jesse Rose (@jesse.rose) on Nov 14, 2017 at 6:30pm PST

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Does Jesse Rose have Instagram?

Jesse’s public Instagram account is @jesse.rose but she hasn’t posted anything there since November 2017.

She also has private accounts under the usernames @blu_j06 and @jesserose187 but we presume she keeps theses profiles private for a reason…

Hopefully Jesse will provide her fans with the updates they are after when she is released!


