'Never Have I Ever' star Jaren Lewison on the resolution of the love triangle and how the hit Netfli

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  • Warning: There are spoilers ahead for the fourth and final season of Netflix's "Never Have I Ever."
  • Insider had a spoiler-filled discussion with actor Jaren Lewison, who portrays Ben Gross. 
  • Lewison reacted to the winner of the Team Ben vs. Team Paxton debate and shared how "NHIE" changed his life.

Jaren Lewison vividly remembers the day he felt the ripple effect of the popularity of "Never Have I Ever."

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"April 27th, 2020 was the first season's release," the actor, 22, recalled. "I woke up the next morning to, I think, a 100,000 follower increase on my Instagram."

The world had been in lockdown for a month, and 40 million households globally found comfort in Mindy Kaling and Lang Fisher's refreshing Netflix teen dramedy about a first-generation Indian-American teen named Devi Vishwakumar (played by Maitreyi Ramakrishnan) navigating trauma, high school, and everything in between.

Viewers became invested in the lives of the heroine and her two love interests, Ben Gross (Lewison), her long-time academic rival, and Paxton Hall-Yoshida (Darren Barnet), the popular jock at Sherman Oaks High School. Fancams popped up on Twitter, people defended the lovable-but-temperamental main character, and viewers fervently took sides in the Team Ben vs. Team Paxton debate.

Lewison admittedly was never particularly skilled at using social media, but suddenly, an exorbitant amount of fans who binge-watched "NHIE" were commenting on his posts and sliding into his DMs, eager to connect with him online.

"It changed my entire life," the actor said. "It gives me goosebumps just saying that. I think that as a kid you dream about a show like this. You dream that it would mean so much to so many people. You dream that so many people would connect to your character and that it would mean something to them."

"The writing facilitated not only my professional growth but also my personal growth," Lewison added. 

Just as his character is graduating and moving on to exciting and unknown territory in the fourth and final season of "NHIE," so is Lewison. 

Jaren Lewison at the season three premiere of "Never Have I Ever." Tommaso Boddi/Getty Images for Netflix

For 3 years, 'NHIE' kept fans in suspense, wondering who Devi would end up with

Even Lewison was unsure of the outcome heading into season four, but on the series finale, audiences finally get a definitive answer. 

"Obviously, it feels great to be a winner," Lewison said. "That's a very Ben Gross quote."

Lewison knows that not everyone will be satisfied with that outcome, though: "I'm sure there will be a lot of triumph and celebration and there will be a lot of despair and tears."

But for him, it "makes a lot of sense" for Ben to ultimately win Devi's heart. 

"They just get each other," Lewison said. "They've been through a lot. They have this magnetism towards each other and when things get hard, they just find each other. And I think you see that evidently throughout the entire series and especially in the fourth season when they're gearing up for the next stages of their life with college."

"They've always had this very strong love for each other, this very strong care," he added. "They have a fantastic foundation."

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited that I won," Lewison said.

Jaren Lewison as Ben Gross and Maitreyi Ramakrishnan as Devi on season four, episode 10 of "Never Have I Ever." Lara Solanki/Netflix

Devi and Ben's enemies-to-lovers dynamic is solidified by a moment in the series finale when Ben hops on a plane from NYC to California and musters up the courage to confess to Devi that he loves her.

Lewison said that the aforementioned scene, written and directed by showrunner Fisher, is "the most proud that I've ever been in my entire career."

"I just thought it was one of the most beautiful things I'd ever read," he said.

"And then being able to do it with Maitreyi, who's one of my best friends in real life and one of the most talented actresses I know, we knew that there was a lot of pressure with that scene," Lewison continued. "But I didn't really feel that pressure. I think we were both locked in where we were just letting Lang kind of guide us and push us exactly where we needed to be."

"I don't like using the word perfect, but I think that it was so wonderful and it was everything that I had ever hoped for Ben and Devi in their journey," he said.

Jaren Lewison as Ben Gross and Maitreyi Ramakrishnan as Devi on season four, episode 10 of "Never Have I Ever." Courtesy of Netflix

Lewison's last day on set was filled with gratitude, and maybe a few tears

It wasn't just that the actor was saying goodbye to a character that he's played for the past few years. He was leaving behind people that worked with him since the start of the series, who he considers more than just his coworkers — people who he turned to during moments of self-doubt and other hardships.

"There are relationships and friendships that I've made there that will, I think, carry me a lifetime," he said.

To celebrate the conclusion, the cast and crew threw a big wrap party, the editors assembled a montage paying homage to all four seasons, and Fisher gave a heartfelt speech. There was crying, hugging, and photo ops, but Lewison wasn't glum because he was consumed by a "sense of luck and appreciation for the work that we had done and the thing that we had built and the part that I had in it."

Jaren Lewison, Maitreyi Ramakrishnan and Darren Barnet at the season four premiere of "Never Have I Ever." Michael Tran/AFP via Getty Images

Lewison, who simultaneously filmed "NHIE" while also being a student at the University of Southern California, said that he put a lot of pressure on himself. The pursuit of perfection is a struggle that the actor's character is all too familiar with.

But, as Ben learned on the show, he was able to get through tough times with the help of a support system comprised of his college friends and his colleagues.

"I have some of the best friends in the entire world," he said. "When I was at work, Maitreyi was like my confidant. We leaned on each other a lot."  

"The cast and the crew are so genuine and so kind and so willing to help others and they're so selfless or altruistic and it does make you sad that the show is over, but it also just makes you feel so lucky to have had that experience," Lewison said. "That doesn't happen every time. There is not always this incredible feeling of love and creation on every single set."

The last moment of the series, showing Devi and Ben hanging out at her dorm, finally happy to be on the same page as a couple, was also the final scene that was filmed.  

"We didn't even speak," Lewison recalled. "We were just kind of soaking everything in."

"I was smiling the whole day and I think it will probably be burned in my mind as one of my favorite moments at work that I likely will ever have," he said, "because your first one is always really special. And this was a very special series for me." 

Jaren Lewison as Ben Gross on season four, episode 10 of "Never Have I Ever." Courtesy of Netflix

"NHIE" is a tough act to follow, but Lewison is ready for the challenge of figuring out what his next fulfilling role will be as his 1.4 million Instagram devotees observe from the sidelines.

While Ben already has his future planned out by the time he graduates high school, Lewison is more open-minded than his high-strung character, as long as he continues to play complex, three-dimensional roles. 

"I know that whatever comes next, I will get the chance to learn from and work with some really incredible people and that, to me, is incredibly exciting," he said. "I'm gonna just relax and enjoy the ride and see what happens." 

Disclosure: Mathias Döpfner, CEO of Business Insider's parent company, Axel Springer, is a Netflix board member.

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