Where Is Clay Starbuck Today? Wife Chahin Starbuck Murder And Dateline Chronologically

Where is Chanin Starbuck’s husband Clay Starbuck today? His wife, Chanin, was reportedly murdered in December of 2011 inside her Deer Park home. 

Clay Starbuck is a prime suspect in his beloved wife Chanin Starbuck’s murder in December 2011. He is known as the husband of Chanin, whose on-off marital relationship might trouble many.  

As per the Cinemaholic, Clay tied the knot with Chanin Denice Starbuck in 1999. Unfortunately, their marital relationship lasted only two years. They got divorced in 2000. 

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Where Is Clay Starbuck Now? Is He Still In Jail?

Clay Starbuck is in lockup at Airway Heights Corrections Center in Spokane County, Washington. He lost an appeal of his conviction in 2015.

Nonetheless, Clay is described as a convicted murderer and pleaded guilty to the alleged first-degree murder of his wife, Chanin, in 2013. He was Chanin’s ex-husband. 

The officials reported the trials and investigation of Clay went on for two days before the verdict was handed down. After the Chanin’s murder case closed, her brother, Steve, said that his sister finally got justice. Now she can rest in peace wherever she is. 

As per the reports, the duo re-united again and remarried in 2006. After welcoming five children, their second marriage ended in June 2011. 

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Clay Starbuck’s Wife Chanin Starbuck Was Murdered In December 2011- Who Killed Her?

Clay Starbuck’s wife, Chanin Starbuck, was killed brutally in December 2011, and the murderer is her husband, Clay Starbuck. She was physically tortured before he strangled her to death.

After the new testing procedure for DNA reports, the authorities got a clue about her killer. The police caught her ex-husband Clay based on the evidence, which showed on her DNA. 

On June 4, 2013, following the DNA evidence, an allegation was made against Clay for murdering his ex-wife, Chanin. Therefore, he is led to court on Tuesday in Spokane. Starbuck was later found guilty of her murder.

Born in Indiana, Chanin completed her high school degree from Florida University. Later on, she got an associate degree in Art Therapy too.

She was 42 years old when she was found unresponsive by cops in early December 2011. What happened to her before she was murdered and strangled brutally by the murderer? 

The autopsy reports revealed her death cause was due to a squeezing neck. In short, Chanin was strangled to death. Was she in a toxic or abusive marital relationship?

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Chahin Starbuck Murder Dateline Update In 2022 

Chahin Starbuck’s murder case closed after Clay pleaded guilty to her murder. He is behind the bar now, convicted of the felon murder of his only wife.

Another shocking news is that Loghan Starbuck, a daughter of Clay and Chanin Starbuck, went missing in Spokane, Washington, on December 18, 2021. 

After a lengthy investigation, her body was found in the Spokane River on February 10, 2022. Police stated the cause of her death was drowning.

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