Astral Ascent General Tips for New Players

How Might You Quickly Get Your First Game Clear

Do Upgrade Your Defense

One frequently asked question is that how should I choose the stones? damage, critical hit, attacking speed… How should I choose?

In fact, there would be different answers for different characters. But, the rule of thumb is, if you are new players, do upgrade your defense instead of only upgrading your damage related options!

For example, for Gilan, I would prefer to choose defense >> damage > life = critical hit. The thing is, for Gilan, the key idea is to low the penalty of failing to parry, and therefore upgrading defense would greatly lower this penalty if you accidentally fail to parry. (With that being said, when I am playing, I would choose to upgrade defense whenever I sees it). The damage of Gilan is generally not a very big thing to be concerned about – since Gilan’s parry deals a great amount of damage already, (For gilan, if it permits, I would generally upgrade to the maximum, namely, ten defense upgrade,)

For the girl shooting jewelry, I would prefer to choose defense= attack speed >> citical hit = damage > life. Again, the reason for this choice is that defense is very important to lower done the risk – You do not want to be half-blooded when you are just hit once – which would be very likely if you do not upgrade defense for 4-5 times. This is extremely important for new players! Since if you are not that familiar with this game, you probably would make a lot of mistake, and best solution is to upgrade defense along with your damage upgrades.

Do Not Over-Upgrade Your Life (Using Stones)

Generally, I would say that if you upgrade your life 2-3 times, then that would be totally enough. The reason is that, if you only upgrades your life, you could not get blood back… If you don’t trust me, you may try – Indeed, for new players, there are lack of ways of recovering your life, which made it not very necessary to upgrade life to avoid the penalty of making mistakes. (With that being said, if it permits, do upgrade your defense instead of upgrading your life!)

However, for the life upgrade in the gardener’s, I would suggest that you should upgrade as fast as possible, The reason is that it would greatly enhance your chance of passing the first boss – if you past the first one, then the latter bosses would generally be easier to pass, so you definitely want to maximize your probability of stably pass the first boss.

For Enchantment, Just Chose The “Normal” Category

Here normal category means the Enchantment without any elemental damage.

I don’t know why – probably because that there are much more Enchantment in the normal category than the elemental damage category. So, it would be much easier to find Enchantment in normal category to upgrade your spells. If you don’t trust me, just try different deck builds, and you will soon find out that for new players, the strategy mentioned above is much easier to get the game cleared.

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Written by 递归
