YouTuber Hints A Comeback, What Happened to Casey Neistat?

For those Casey Neistat fans who are wondering “what happened to Casey Neistat,” it looks like he is making a comeback. 

On November 20, the YouTube vlogger shared a photo of his kid watching his old vlogs on Twitter. His child was watching a video of him reviewing airplane seats, which he did not remember making.

He explained that the video had an all-star cast including “Marques Brownlee, Wesley Snipes and Karlie Kloss.” He then ended the tweet stating he should get back to vlogging.

There were many positive replies, including one from YouTube who was “totally in favor” of his return. 

Fans also showed support, stating that they were excited and that his vlogs inspired them to start their own YouTube channel. 

Casey Neistat and His Retirement

Casey Neistat had been a filmmaker much of his life, but all that changed when he picked up the camera and started his ‘daily vlog’ series in 2010 via YouTube. He recorded various facets of his life and activities.

The YouTuber uploaded consistently, and by 2015, he started gaining traction. One of his most popular series on YouTube was his vlogs around New York.

The YouTuber used to skate around the city on his electric skateboard to film some amazing places in New York using his drones. 

His videos were so popular that he passed 10 million subscribers on July 31, 2018.  

But that changed in May 2019, when he revealed he was moving to California with his wife and kids. As a result, Neistat slowed things down to spend more time with his family. He created content, but it differed from his previous style. 

In a September 15, 2020, vlog titled ‘why I quit,’ he explained that since moving to California, he had retired from making daily vlogs and was enjoying his time with his family doing nothing. But after a break of a year, he was ready to move forward. 

Casey Neistat Makes a Comeback

After that video, he started uploading regularly. In one of the vlogs, he even hinted that they might move back to New York. 

Titled ‘she’s ready to leave,’ the vlogger was talking to his wife about how they remembered the reason for their move to California every time they wanted to leave New York.

However, they admitted they still missed New York and did not enjoy living in California. 

And nearly two years later, Neistat returned to NYC and explained why he was back in a video on June 7, 2021. The YouTuber shared he was visiting his father, who underwent a major medical operation. 

He said he cried when he saw the New York City skyline for the first time in years.

And while he was back, he also visited and congratulated fellow YouTuber “HELLAHGOOD” for completing an 84-day journey across the United States from Los Angeles to New York to benefit non-profit Soles4Souls.

That was five months ago, but Neistat might upload a new video soon, given his recent announcement. 
