Little Richard siblings: Robert Penniman, Tony Penniman

Richard Wayne Penniman was born on December 5, 1932, as the third of twelve children to Leva Mae and Charles Penniman in Macon, Georgia. His father was a church deacon, a brick mason, and the proprietor of the Tip In Inn nightclub, which also sold bootlegged moonshine.

His mother was a member of Macon’s New Hope Baptist Church. His given name was supposed to be “Ricardo,” but a typo changed it to “Richard.” Because of his small and skinny frame as a child, his family dubbed him “Lil’ Richard.”

Little Richard siblings: Robert Penniman, Tony Penniman

Little Richard Penniman was born in 1932 to Leva Mae and Charles Penniman. He was the youngest of twelve children whose names haven’t been disclosed yet.

Only two of his siblings were disclosed,  Robert Penniman and Tony Penniman. Although not much is detailed about them.

Following the surge in album sales, Wallen donated $300,000 to the Black Music Action Coalition in the names of 20 people who counseled him after the incident in April 2021.

Those individuals were given the option of directing their $15,000 donations to a charity of their choice or keeping the funds in the BMAC.

Richard stated in 1984 that he only played with girls as a child and was subjected to homosexual jokes and ridicule because of his walking and talking style.

When his father caught him wearing his mother’s makeup or clothing, he punished him severely.
