Hassie Harrison Parents Laurie and Frank Harrison

Hassie Harrison parents are Laurie Sands Harrison and Frank Harrison. Hassie comes from a rich family in Dallas.

Her mother Laurie was a stage actor who worked with the Dallas Children's Theatre when Hassie was a child.

Hassie had an early interest in acting since she spent a lot of her free time observing her mother perform and rehearse at the theater.

She went to a local high school where she mostly concentrated on acting, but she also enjoyed dancing and singing and had aspirations of becoming a model in the future.

After graduating from high school in 2008, Hassie went to Copenhagen, Denmark, to enroll in an acting program.

Mother Laurie Harrison Is An Actress

Hassie Harrison mother Laurie Harrison is heavily involved with the children’s theater in Dallas which recently celebrated its 40th anniversary.

Dallas Children's Theater provides some of the best acting classes from pre-school through high school in the country and Laurie is involved in every decision-making of the organization. 

She is the daughter of Caroline Hunt, one of the richest people in her era, whose wealth, in modern dollars, was $2 billion.

Caroline was still standing Texas tall when two of her brothers, Nelson Bunker Hunt and Herbert Hunt, went down for the financial count following disastrous escapades in silver, sugar, and oil.

Belonging to the richest family in America, they lived a very lavish life.

Father Frank Harrison

Hassie Harrison father Frank Harrison came to her first soccer game to cheer her up during her childhood.

The duo still have a very good bond with one another and have been seen together on her Instagram posts.
