GreenWatt Lighting Solutions announces closure after racist video sparks outrage online

A video of a GreenWatt Lighting Solutions employee has now gone viral on social media. The TikTok video, uploaded by an Atlanta man, was shared on Twitter by @TizzyEnt, who said a White man followed the maker of the video, a young Black man, on the highway and started abusing and cursing him while he was driving.

He stated how at first, the Black man, who was driving a Lexus, thought that he might have overtaken the other driver, leading to the unexpected behavior. However, when he took a different route, he realized that the GreenWatt employee was following him.

The employee, who was a White man, then asked him to stop his car. As soon as the other man did so, the former came out of his vehicle and started hurling cuss words at him, urging him to come out of the car and “fight him.” However, the Black man stayed put.

The employee then displayed his his tattoo by taking off his shirt. The tattoo read "CaWB," which expands into “crazy as* white boy,” as mentioned by TizzyEnt.

As soon as the video went viral, netizens noticed how the man who was misbehaving in the video was wearing a GreenWatt Lighting T-shirt. They began posting about the same on social media, asking the company to take some action against the employee. Many also noticed how the company's Google page announced closure right after the incident became viral.

While it is not yet confirmed if the company has actually shut down, social media users were infuriated as they saw the video. One wrote:

Social media users bashed the employee as his video showing racist behaviour goes viral on the internet. (Image via Twitter)

Twitterati left fuming after the video of GreenWatt Lighting Solutions employee went viral

As the video of the GreenWatt Lighting Solutions employee made its way on social media, flooded the comments section under TizzyEnt's post, calling for the man to be arrested and hoping he faces consequences.

Social media users bashed the employee as his video showing racist behaviour goes viral on the internet. (Image via Twitter)
Social media users bashed the employee as his video showing racist behaviour goes viral on the internet. (Image via Twitter)
Social media users bashed the employee as his video showing racist behaviour goes viral on the internet. (Image via Twitter)
Social media users bashed the employee as his video showing racist behaviour goes viral on the internet. (Image via Twitter)
Social media users bashed the employee as his video showing racist behaviour goes viral on the internet. (Image via Twitter)
Social media users bashed the employee as his video showing racist behaviour goes viral on the internet. (Image via Twitter)
Social media users bashed the employee as his video showing racist behaviour goes viral on the internet. (Image via Twitter)
Social media users bashed the employee as his video showing racist behaviour goes viral on the internet. (Image via Twitter)

At the moment, GreenWatt Lighting Solutions has not spoken up on the matter. Authorities have also not revealed whether they have identified the man.

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