Who is Rooster McConaughey's Wife? Know About His Children, Family, Movies, TV Shows, Net Worth, & M

Rооѕtеr МсСоnаughеу’ rеаl nаmе іѕ Місhаеl Раtrісk МсСоnаughеу, аnd hе іѕ а fаmоuѕ Аmеrісаn buѕіnеѕѕmаn аnd ТV реrѕоnаlіtу. Не іѕ thе еldеr brоthеr оf Маtthеw МсСоnаughеу whо hаѕ wоn Оѕсаr аwаrd. Rооѕtеr hаѕ ассumulаtеd hugе wеаlth wіth hіѕ buѕіnеѕѕ оf оіl fіеld ріреѕ аnd оthеr іnvеѕtmеntѕ.

Rооѕtеr МсСоnаughеу іѕ аn асtоr whо іѕ а wеll-knоwn, еmіnеnt, аnd rерutаblе асtоr. Не іѕ fаmоuѕ fоr hіѕ аllurіng аnd bоgglіng wоrkѕ lіkе Тhе Nеwtоn Воуѕ, Тhе Іrоn Оrсhаrd (уеt tо bе rеlеаѕеd), аnd Саll fоr fіrе.

Who is Rооѕtеr МсСоnаughеу Wife?

Rooster McConaughey is married to Georganne Hurt, and the couple has been married for almost 35 years. Georganne is not even Rooster's first wife. McConaughey married his wife, Hurt, on October 6, 1984. Even after 35 years of marriage, they are still an excellent match. 

The pair also have two children from their marriage. Miller Lyte McConaughey is the couple's son, and Margarita Olympia McConaughey is their daughter.

McConaughey previously married Marsha Smyth. They were married for two and a half years, from December 5, 1974, until June 27, 1977. Rooster has a son, Madison Beaumont McConaughey, from his first marriage to Marsha. In 1975, Rooster was just 21 years old when his son was born.

Rооѕtеr МсСоnаughеу's Net Worth

Rooster McConaughey has amassed an estimated net worth of $65 million. His wealth comes from his vаt business, including gold to real estate, liquid assets, consumer goods, business-related water, and media, just like Marisa Ryan and Brent Antonello. He has also been associated with the entertainment industry, which has earned him some money.

The businessman Midland, the Texas-based company, DGM Supply, provides construction and oil-related equipment, particularly pipes. He also invests in real estate, technology, and entertainment as an entrepreneur.

Rooster McConaughey 12 Mighty Orphans

Rooster is another one of the oil field's outstanding personalities. Ty Roberts, a filmmaker, and a former Midlander knows him this way. They first met in the previous decade, in 2012 or 2013, according to Roberts. In reality, McConaughey was in Roberts' film Iron Orchard, set in the West Texas oilfields in 1939.

Rooster is the star of 12 Mighty Orphans, a new film based on the story of the Mighty Mites high school football team. The film was released in cinemas completely in Texas on Friday night, including Midland-Odessa. Rooster quipped that he's like Clint Howard in the movies since he appears in every one.

Rооѕtеr МсСоnаughеу's Career

Rooster McConaughey began working in the oil fields of Texas with his father when he was 12 years old. He nevermore finished high school but earned his first million at the age of 30, workings in the pipe industry. A year later, he lost everything a year after becoming a multi-millionaire.

McConaughey is now the sole proprietor of DGM Supply, an oil pipe machine business specializing in purchasing and selling the old pipe. His most recent multimillion-dollar oil deal made him a five-to-one profit in only two years. 

Rooster has a victorious hand in many other commercial endeavors, including technology, consumer goods, ranching, real estate, water, maize, and oil. West Texas Ltd, an investment company he founded with his friend and business partner Butch Gilliam after benefiting others' beliefs and investment in him.


Michael Patrick McConaughey, known adequately as Rooster McConaughey, was born on August 2, 1954, in Houston, Texas. He is the firstborn son of James Donald and Kay McConaughey. Along with his brother Mathew McConaughey, he spent his youth in his hometown.

McConaughey attended Stephen F. Austin University in Texas for a short while to become a wildlife conservationist. He subsequently entered the University of Texas but failed to finish his studies there as well.

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