Spencer Receives A Shocking Ultimatum From Trina!

General Hospital: Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Chavez)

General Hospital spoilers tease that Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali) didn’t make it easy from Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Chavez) to win her heart. When Spencer first arrived back in Port Charles, he connected with Trina immediately.

However, Spencer didn’t return alone, he brought his girlfriend Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl). Esme was helping Spencer terrorize Ava Jerome (Maura West) in an effort to get her to leave Spencer’s father, Nicholas Cassadine (Adam Huss).

General Hospital Spoilers – Spencer Cassadine Dumped Esme Prince!

When Esme framed Trina for recording Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy) having sex with Cameron Webber (William Lipton) and then posting it to the internet, Spencer realized that Esme was guilty almost from the beginning.

But he pretended to still be in love with her in the hopes that he could get proof against her and clear Trina’s name. But even after Esme was no longer an issue, Trina didn’t immediately fall into Spencer arms. He was still entitled and spoiled, and seemed to have no real direction or purpose.

GH Spoilers – Spencer Cassadine And Trina Robinson Helped Take Victor Cassadine Down!

Spencer was furious when he found out that Esme actually slept with his father and became pregnant. Esme gave birth to a boy she named Ace and Spencer immediately tried to assume a fatherly role in his brother’s life.

General Hospital: Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali)

Nikolas had disappeared so Spencer believed it was up to him to be a father figure to Ace. Although Esme eventually welcomed Spencer’s help, Trina grew impatient with Spencer’s newfound obsession with his brother.

General Hospital Spoilers – Trina Robinson May Make Demands On Spencer Cassadine!

Trina knows that Spencer needs to find a purpose in life other than Ace. She may insist that Spencer either return to school or find a career that he enjoys. He needs to find purpose and Trina won’t settle for Spencer’s plan to live of his family’s money.

She may even demand that if he doesn’t either start a career or pursue further education, then she may not be willing to stick around. Will Spencer realize that Trina is right, or will he continue to act out?

What Do You Think?

Does Spencer need to pursue further education? Or is he ready to enter the work force? What would you like to see Spencer do with himself?

Anything can happen in Port Charles so stay tuned to General Hospital airing weekdays on ABC. And don’t forget to check back right here regularly for all your General Hospital news, information and spoilers!
