Last Shelter: Survival - What does

What does - 1st available after researching (hero appointment) mean?Because I'm trying place in my APC. I have two drivers, but 3rd APC has no driver just the cars. So who is drive it. Dont get it

Guest Answered:

Hero appointment allows you to place one hero in apc. Hero cooperation allows you to place 2 heros in th apc. And finally hero command allows you 3 heros in the apc. The heros are not driving, the are leading the troops in that specific row.

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AppGamer Answered:

Each APC has 3 slots for heroes (for each of the 3 rows of troops) but you have to complete research in the institute for each APC to unlock the hero slots. As Guest said 'Hero appointment is the fist research item in each APC and lets you place the first one. After that there is more research to do to get to the other items that let you place the second and third one.

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