As mentioned previously, suspects in the murder of Elizabeth Stennett were already in custody when Charles Stennett, the man who paid for her murder, committed suicide. According to The Cinemaholic, Charles had contacted one of his tenants — Billy Gray Williams — and agreed to pay him $3,000 to kill Elizabeth and make it look like a robbery gone bad. Williams then contacted two of his associates, John Forrest Parker and Kenneth Eugene Smith, to help with the crime.
All three would be caught, tried, and convicted. But in Smith's case, he might have been done in by his own failure to tie up any loose ends. Specifically, as mentioned previously, he had stolen a VCR from the crime scene. As CNN reported, working on an anonymous tip, authorities carried out a search warrant on his home and found the stolen VCR there.
Billy Gray Williams was sentenced to life in prison, while Parker was executed in 2010 (per Tuscaloosanews.com). Executing Smith, however, has proven to be considerably more difficult.