Professional Bodybuilder Calum Von Moger Is in the Hospital Here's What We Know

Problems have plagued professional bodybuilder Calum Von Moger who is currently in the hospital. Here's what we know about his injury.

Source: Instagram/@calumvonmoger

Calum Von Moger has been compared to a young Arnold Schwarzenegger, so much so that he played him in the 2018 movie Bigger. The film chronicles the rise of real life bodybuilders Joe and Ben Weider. They were essentially responsible for turning bodybuilding into the sport it is today, and along the way, discovered Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Speaking of discovery, it looked as if Calum was all set to be the next Arnold Schwarzenegger. Sadly, his life has recently taken some unfortunate turns which have culminated in a serious injury that put him in the hospital. Here's the latest update regarding his injury and what brought him to such a dark place.

Source: Instagram/@calumvonmorger

Calum and his dog Astro

What's the current status of Calum Von Moger's injury?

Generation Iron Fitness Network has reported that on or around Friday May 6, Calum, "jumped through a second story window, received serious injuries, and is currently in the ICU. Calum is managed by Generation Iron who is in touch with his friends and family, and who confirmed that he underwent surgery and is currently recovering.

Prior to this, Calum was asked to leave his home. The Bodybuilding & BS YouTube Channel showed a photo of an Instagram story Calum shared which was a screen shot of an exchange between Calum and his landlord, who is evidently his father. In it he is being told to vacate the property within two weeks, due to the state that it's in. Over the screen shot Calum wrote, "I'm being kicked out of my house...By my own dad now! So now everyone's truly quit on me...I'm quitting on the lot of you."

What happened to Calum Von Moger?

Evidently the start of Calum's troubles can be traced back to 2017 when he injured his left bicep. Men's Health Magazine noted the difference in sizes between Calum's right and left bicep once he recovered from the injury sustained while attempting to do a 400 pound bicep curl. In 2018 he injured that bicep again while, "rappelling down a cliff in Australia," said the South China Morning Post.

His recovery from that injury was recounted in the documentary Calum Von Moger: Unbroken. Evidently this injury nearly ended his bodybuilding career. It's possible that the trauma from injuring himself in the same spot, coupled with the idea that his life would have to head in a different direction, is what sent Calum into this potential spiral. Again, as of now there are only rumors that he was on meth at the time he jumped out the window.

Source: YouTube/Calum von Moger (video still)

Calum Von Moger injury

Support from fans has been pouring in from various corners of social media. Twitter user @ChopperWalmsley wrote, "The news about Calum Von Moger is tragic. I had the pleasure of a conversation with him when he was considering Twitch streaming, seemed a real humble guy. Circumstance has been cruel to him and some poor decisions have cost him dearly. I really hope he recovers well."

"To anybody affected by this Calum Von Moger situation I’m sorry. Meth is the absolute worst drug ever and makes people capable of things they wouldn’t normally do," tweeted Chris Masters, a professional wrestler who goes by the name Chris Adonis. Regardless of why Calum did it, it's a tragic story all around and we hope he is able to recover in more than just his body.
