What happened to Terry Bradshaws Face And Head? His Recent Surgery

Terry Bradshaw has struggled with hismentalillness for a long time now. Here is the recent update on his head surgery and his health status recently. 

Terry Bradshaw is a former quarterback who later turned into an outspoken football analyst. He is incredibly popular all across the country. However, his health has been a matter of concern among his fans for a long time now. 

While he had a very successful career, he has had always struggled with his mental illness and learning disability. He has been getting treatments which he describes as a “horrible disease”. 

Here is the update on his health struggles and how he is doing now. 

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Does Terry Bradshaw Have A Mental Illness?

Terry Bradshaw always had a fair share of obstacles on his mental illness most of his life.

Reportedly, he has had been struggling with both ADD and depression. He had battled depression throughout his career and even broke down and cried in the field at Three Rivers Stadium during the game. 

During the lowest point in his life, his then-wife split up with him after 16 years of marriage. At one point in his life, he started heavily drinking to cope with his depression. However, he later realized this isn’t the healthiest way to deal with his problems. 

In 1999, he finally took professional help and doctors diagnosed him with clinical depression. Medications became a big part of his recovery on his mental health. Later on, he also wrote a book about his struggle and way to recovery. 

Back in 2011, Bradshaw again had a battle with short-term memory loss, depression, and anxiety. During one of his interviews back then he stated he was learning to prevent his brain from getting worse than it is. 

What Happened To Terry Bradshaw Head? Injury Update

Terry Bradshaw never had any type of head injury, despite the rumors, he has never had serious injuries to date.

Considering his fame, it would be major headlines if he had been any crucial unhappenings. 

However, he was seen with a skin-colored band-aid on his face which shows the possibility of having some kind of surgery. He hasn’t stated anything about his face and why he has a band-aid. 

Bradshaw who has been very vocal about his mental health struggle, he would have addressed if it was anything serious. Nevertheless, his fans seemed concerned about the former quarterback and his well-being. 

Terry Bradshaw Surgery And Health Update 

With the News Of Terry Bradshaw undergoing surgery recently going around, his fans want to know about his recent health update. 

From Terry’s verified Instagram account, we can see that he posts regularly on his social platforms. With more than 55K followers, he is pretty much active on his account, with posts about his ongoing work and personal life happenings.

Bradshaw also has his official Facebook page with 382K followers. He isn’t active on other social media but he constantly posts on the platform he is active on 
