How much is a fishing license at Walmart in California?

The costs $17.00 per person for 3-day, $30.00 person for the 7-day, they also offer a Non-resident yearly license for $47.00. What do you need to get a fishing license in California?Click to see full answer. Then, how much is a fishing license in California? California Saltwater Fishing Saltwater Fishing License Fees Annual Licenses Resident Sport Fishing License $48.34 Non-Resident Sport Fishing License $130.42 Reduced-Fee Sport Fishing License $7.56 how much is a 1 day fishing license in California? Purchase Sport Fishing Licenses and Submit Harvest Information Online Freshwater Sport Fishing License Fees Annual Licenses One-Day Sport Fishing License (resident or nonresident) $15.69 Two-Day Sport Fishing License* (resident or nonresident) $24.33 Ten-Day Non-Resident Sport Fishing License** $48.34 Accordingly, how much is a fishing license in California Walmart? One-day fishing license will cost only 11 USD irrespective of the resident status. The cost of an annual fishing license in Walmart is 40 USD. A 3-days permit for tourists has a price of 19 USD.Does Walmart give free fishing license?Yes, it is possible to purchase a fishing license at Walmart stores across the United States. The prices you pay in Walmart shouldn’t be any different to the prices charged in other license issuing retailers or offices, as the license fees are usually determined by the state.
