Daniel Felipe Petry, 16 years old teen mercilessly butchered his gamer friend and neighbor Gabriel Kuhn on July 23, 2007. Find more shocking details behind the horrific killing.
Gabriel Kuhn was just 12 years old at the time of his death.
As per Daniel’s own crime report, Gabriel cheated on a video game that day and angered the offender.
Daniel force entered Gabriel’s house and as he was alone, sexually assaulted him before beating him to death.
The case swirled spirals as new pieces of evidence and autopsy details surfaced throughout the detailed investigation.
The devilish tendency of the happy gamer shocked the entire nation and bereaved two families of their presence.
Everything Regarding Daniel Petry Murder Story
Daniel Petry murdered his gamer neighbor Gabriel Kuhn on July 23, 2007, after a heated round of playing together.
Daniel stated that Gabriel cheated on the online game of Tibia.
As per initial reports, Daniel was born a rebel and turbulent child having histories of violent misdemeanor against any slight sort of provocations.
He was even assigned to the psychiatric sessions and treatments which he always refrained from and usually escaped.
? midnightcathedral: 12 Year Old Gabriel Kuhn Killed Over Tibia MMORPG Money This is one of the most messed up gore stories ever. 12 year old Gabriel Kuhn was friends with 16 year old Daniel Petry. Both were fans of MMORPG computer game called… https://t.co/TcjL7k5xDB
— Frank TALKER™ (@ftalke) June 3, 2019
In 2007, he killed his 12 years old neighbor Gabriel over a short dispute they had regarding the game and the cheating traits.
Gabriel had borrowed 20000 Tibia virtual currency from his supposed friend Daniel but when asked for a return, he blocked Daniel’s accounts everywhere possible and unfriended him.
Appalled by such rash behavior and consecutive cheating in the game, Daniel entered Gabriel’s home one day when all his parents were out for work and his big brother was out of the house.
Gabriel was dragged to his bedroom and assaulted there, both physically and sexually.
The bed stains had proof of the misdeed along with the stains of blood from the kid.
When Gabriel threatened Daniel that he would report that attack to his parents, he had no slightest idea of what Daniel had pre-planned.
Daniel found a wire and attacked Gabriel on his throat and then went to the garage to get a hacksaw and then proceeded to cut off both the legs of the boy.
Daniel Petry Murder Crime Twist: Did He Really Kill Gabriel Kuhn?
Daniel Petry used a hacksaw to cut off the legs from Gabriel Kuhn and the crime scene became chaotic as Kuhn came back to consciousness during the action and cried for help.
The gore scene and the crime photographs had the authorities shocked to their cores seeing how a teenager has such a criminal mindset.
Daniel Felipe Petry was born in 1991 in Blumenau, Santa Catarina (Brazil). Since he was a child he was a rebellious, aggressive boy and he reacted with unusual violence at the slightest provocation. He was under psychiatric treatment, but he always abandoned the therapies. His
— ig: horrorpicturewbu ? (@horrorpicswbu) March 22, 2020
He in fact killed the boy as he stated about changing the angles of the hacksaw to inflict more pain to the half-conscious boy.
Gabriel Kuhn’s Gore Murder- Learn How The Crime Scene Photos Suggest Otherwise
Gabriel Kuhn’s murder scene had some graphic images and gore content showing how brutal the assault was and how lethal, a psychotic disorder can be.
In July 2007, 16 year old Daniel Petry, furious with his 12 year old friend Gabriel Kuhn over ripping him off in the #TibiaMMO game…tortured, raped, and mutilated his corpse. Then happily admitted it when caught. https://t.co/pDPXpIBb0S pic.twitter.com/NMZuMQZZUC
— Matt Jarbo (@mjarbo) June 6, 2021
Daniel was jailed for 3 years for the murder by the Court in September 2007 and after that, his whereabouts are not known.
Some believe that he killed himself after the release while some believe that he relocated to another country to flee the authorities and their investigative eyes.