Jane Fonda Young: Photos Hollywood Life

Jane Fonda

Jane Fonda has been stunning for generations & you can see her best photos from when she was young to today, here.

Jane Fonda is an actress and activist, and a downright icon. Born to legendary actor Henry Fonda, she was Hollywood royalty from the beginning. But she made it clear from the get go that she was her own person, who was going to foster her own career and own opinions.

And boy, did she. Jane has been arrested countless times for her activism, stretching back to the 1960s and the Vietnam War. Throughout these different eras of her career, and her life, she’s switched up her look majorly.

In the 1960s, she looked like the girl next door: cute sweaters, pearls, perfect hair. With the 1970s, she grew into tousled and carefree hairdos and casual outfits. The 1980s? You already know it: giant permed hair and neon workout gear, 24/7. And now? She’s the epitome of timeless grace.

To see photos of Jane Fonda through the years, then and now, scroll through this gallery!

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