Is Chris Cuomo Gay? Sexuality and Boyfriend

People have been wondering if  Chris Cuomo is actually gay. Let’s discover if the fact concerning the TV presenter’s boyfriend is true or not.

Chris Cuomo is popularly known as the presenter of  Cuomo Prime Time which is a news analysis show on CNN. The journalist has received many Emmy nominations throughout his career in the media and was honored with an Emmy News for his profile of 12-year-old poet Mattie Stepanek while working for Good Morning America.

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Is Chris Cuomo Gay? Sexuality

The rumors about Chris Cuomo being gay started after he made fun of Kamala Harris when she told about her pronouns being “she, her and hers”. However, his joke wasn’t taken lightly especially because the event took place at an LGBTQ Town Hall and the issue regarding the pronouns was serious for the LGBTQ community.

The National Centre for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) immediately called him out and criticized him for his ignorance regarding the issues that people are facing. The reporter apologized for making people upset with his humor but that wasn’t taken too well by trans women from the minority groups.

Fact Check: Is Chris Cuomo Transgender?

Chris’s sexuality has become the interest of some people even though he is recognized as a heterosexual person. The TV presenter has never found it necessary to speak about his sexual orientation other than the fact that that he is married to a woman.

The CNN host has gotten himself in several controversies in relation to sexual harassment allegations towards his brother Andrew Cuomo. He helped his brother to tackle any questions regarding his accusation and that turned out as a conflict of interest for him as a news reporter. Cuomo’s action was deemed inappropriate and a violation of journalistic norms by his network.

Recently, Chris found himself in hot waters after his former boss Shelly Ross accused him of harassing her in a New York Times op-ed. Ross even stated that she wants him to accept his mistake on air and make a report about it while also seeking about sexism, harassment, and gender bias in the workplace.

Chris Cuomo Wife – Does He Have A Boyfriend?

Chris Cuomo doesn’t have a boyfriend since he is not a homosexual person.

Even though the questions might arise about his sexual preference, the journalist has been in a long-term relationship with a woman.

Chis Cuomo has been happily married in a two-decades-long relationship with his wife Cristina Greeven. The couple tied their knots in 2001 in a Roman Catholic ceremony in Southhampton, New York.

Greeven was an editor of Gotham magazine and is currently running her health and wellness online platform, The Purist. The couple is residing in Manhatten with their three children.
