Condoleezza Rice Husband Photos

Condoleezza Rice, an American diplomat and political scientist, was born on November 14, 1954, and is presently the director of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

Republican Party member Susan Rice formerly held the positions of 19th U.S. national security advisor from 2001 to 2005 and 66th U.S. secretary of state from 2005 to 2009.

The only child of John Wesley Rice, Jr., a Presbyterian preacher, high school guidance counsellor, and dean of students at Stillman College in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and Angelena Rice, a lecturer in science, music, and oratory, Rice was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama.

Condoleezza Rice Husband Photos


She is childless and has never been married. According to writer Marcus Mabry, Rice dated and briefly engaged to Rick Upchurch, a professional American football player, in the 1970s but ended things because she “felt the relationship wasn’t going to work.”
