Below is my code in cypress. How to print 'pdf' content and verify content using cypress .contains or .eq? when I run the code it prints object{6} but I want to print my pdf file content. I would really appreciate the help.
**Plugins/index.js:** const fs = require('fs') const pdf = require('pdf-parse') const path = require('path') const repoRoot = path.join("C:/Users/XXXXX/Downloads/loginCy-excel") const parsePdf = async (pdfName) => { const pdfPathname = path.join(repoRoot, pdfName) let dataBuffer = fs.readFileSync(pdfPathname); return await pdf(dataBuffer) } module.exports = (on, config) => { on('task', { getPdfContent (pdfName) { return parsePdf(pdfName) }, }) } **cypress spec file has these code:** it('tests a pdf', () => { cy.task('getPdfContent', 'sample.pdf').then(content => { cy.log(content) }) })
2 Answers
Anyone struggling with testing PDF files with cypress can refer to these two very good blog posts precisely on this topic:
It wasn't asked in this question, but here is a little addition from me on how to download files (was tested on PDFs) from a URL:
cy.request({ url: '<file url>', gzip: false, encoding: 'base64', }).then((response) => { cy.writeFile( Cypress.config('downloadsFolder') + '/<name of the file>.pdf', response.body, { encoding: 'base64' } );
method will return an object, so I guess cy.log()
can't print it like that. If you want to see what the function gathered in your pdf file, you can stringify the result:
cy .log(JSON.stringify(content));
If you want to get only text from your pdf, you need to work with text
cy .log(content.text);