Where was Hunters Season 2 shot? Filming locations explored

Hunters Season 2 premiered on Amazon Prime Video on January 13, 2023, after a considerable delay. The Nazi-hunting show launched almost three years ago, and has now received its much-deserved ending. The show follows a group of hunters as they look to neutralize the faschist threats present in the 1970s. The new season changed vastly in tone and texture but had the gory heart of the original.

The synopsis for the show read:

"Nazi hunters discover hundreds of high-ranking Nazi officials in 1977 New York City, conspiring to create a Fourth Reich in the U.S.; the Hunters set out to bring the Nazis to justice and thwart their new genocidal plans."

Needless to say, this Amazon Prime Video production was top-notch to the very end. Every aspect from cinematography to sound to acting was perfect. The beautiful look and feel of the show may make many fans question the location where Hunters Season 2 was shot, and we are here to answer that.

Below, we have explored all the locations that were used in the making of Hunters Season 2. Read on.

Hunters Season 2 locations explored: Brooklyn, Budapest, New York City, Prague, and more

Fans who have watched Hunters already know that the series follows a group of Nazi hunters in 1977's New York City. This is one of the most prominent locations that was shared between Seasons 1 and 2.

Since New York served as the central point of the story for a long time, it means the creative team went all in with their production and restored the Big Apple to its 1970s glory.

Other production locations around the same area include Brooklyn, Newark, and Paterson. All of these areas were set up perfectly to fit the era and feel of the show.

The first season was reportedly shot in Budapest as well. In the second installment, the creators focused a lot more on European locations, with a chunk of the show being set all over the continent.

Hunters Season 2 was reportedly filmed in Prague, Czech Republic. As seen in the film, the beautiful European city formed a chunk of all the areas used in the second season of the show. There were many other European locations in and around the Czech Republic as well.

Hunters was renewed for a second season after a long delay. Series creator Weil stated last year:

"I am beyond grateful to Jen and the Amazon family for their continued extraordinary support of Hunters,...Alongside our magnificent cast, incredible crew, and brilliant writers and producers, I am more eager than ever to share the next chapter of the Hunters saga with the world."

The second season concluded the story of the Nazi hunters after following the story of capturing Hitler in an alternate reality. The season's ending may have been ambiguous, but it was perhaps an artistic choice to do run it that way.

The series stars Logan Lerman as Jonah Heidelbaum, Al Pacino as Meyer Offerman, Lena Olin as Eva Braun-Hitler, Jerrika Hinton, Saul Rubinek, Carol Kane, and Josh Radnor, among others.

All the episodes of Hunters are now streaming on Amazon Prime Video.

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