What Happened To Rapper Jelly Roll? Heart Issues And Health Problems Update

Jelly Roll had struggled with heart issues and health problems for many years. And his body weight had made it worse. 

Jelly Roll is a rapper whose next tour will be held on March 31, 2022. He is an exceptional artist, but his weight and health have given him many problems for a long time.

He had previously lost 180 pounds but judging from his pictures, it seems he has gained some again, which has worried his fans.

Jelly Roll Heart Issues And Health Problems

Jelly Roll’s heart issues and health problems have troubled him for years. Previously, he said that he shared his story related to his health, addiction, and weight.

He had suffered from Artiral fibrillation a few times before until he had to get surgery. Atrial fibrillation (A-fib) is a type of arrhythmia (irregular and typically fast heartbeat) that can cause blood clots in the heart.

It increases the risk of stroke, heart failure, and other heart-related problems. And, excessive weight can cause more danger to a person with such heart problems.

Therefore, before 2020, he had worked for three years taking care of his diet and lost 180 pounds as a result. However, in 2020 he had already gained more weight because of the changes in his habit again.

Thus, in 2020, he again went on to lose weight. He had been making Twitter updates, but it seems there are not many changes seen. His fans are worried for him.

What Happened To Jelly Roll?

Nothing has happened to Jelly Roll. He has been doing good, but he reported having a sleep problem on his Twitter previously.

He said that he finds it difficult to sleep. However, he did not add what caused the problem. Otherwise, he has been doing well and is all buckled up for his next tour.

It is easier for his admirers to know about his whereabouts as he is active on social media platforms.

Fact Check On Jelly Roll- Did He Die?

Jelly Roll has not died yet. He is doing well and is alive. These may just be rumors caused by his absence on Youtube for the last few months.

However, he has constantly been updating his plans and tours on other social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram. In addition, there are many tours he has planned, and the tickets are available now. His fans have been looking forward to his tours.
