What did Michael Chastain do? Indiana man killed over alleged attack on ex-girlfriend's father

Michael Chastain, a man from Indiana, was shot and killed after he allegedly threatened another man with a gun in the latter's own front yard. The incident occurred on Monday, August 7, 2023, at around 6:30 pm in the 7700 block of the South Organ Springs Road in Salem, Indiana.

As per the Indiana State Police, Michael Chastain drove his vehicle into a couple’s front yard, before exiting it and threatening the man, whose wife ultimately shot Chastain after witnessing what was happening from inside the house. Chastain was taken to the hospital, but did not survive the gunshot and ultimately lost his life.

The investigation into the matter is currently being handled by the Indiana State Police. The identity of the man Chastain threatened and his wife have not been revealed yet.

Michael Chastain allegedly dated the homeowners' daughter

Only a handful of details have been revealed by the Indiana State Police regarding the incident. Prior to the shooting, Michael Chastain was allegedly in a vehicle, one that he drove onto the front yard of an Indiana couple’s house. Upon arriving at the scene, Chastain got out of his car and got into an altercation with a man who lived there and was the owner of the house.

The altercation quickly escalated, with Michael Chastain eventually pinning the man to the ground and pulling out a gun. Thereafter, he took the gun and pointed it towards the latter's head.

When the wife of the male homeowner saw that her husband was under threat, she immediately came out to the front yard with a handgun and proceeded to use it to shoot down Chastain. As per the New York Post, the Indiana State Police has described the incident as follows:

"[Chastain] exited his vehicle and put a firearm toward the homeowner’s head. The wife of the homeowner observed the altercation that occurred, walked outside with a firearm and eventually shot Chastain.”

Once authorities arrived at the scene, Chastain was rushed to the Saint Vincent Hospital in Salem. However, he succumbed to the gunshot injury that he sustained and was declared dead.

The Indiana State Police has reported that Michael Chastain allegedly dated the daughter of the couple whose residence Chastain drove into. Wave3 has reported that friends of Chastain have also stated that he knew the homeowners. However, it remains unclear why he drove to the house, given that the person he dated no longer lives at that address.

No motive regarding the attempted crime by Michael Chastain has been disclosed at the moment. The police have however revealed that Chastain has a criminal record and has had brushes with law enforcement in the past.

The wife of the male resident has not been charged yet, and the Washington County Prosecutor’s Office will make the final decision on the matter.

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