What is flush left headline?

1 Flush Left Headline

It consists of two or three lines of headline, each one set flush left to the left side of the space. The design is simple and allows freedom in writing the headline. No rules govern the writing of the flush left headline; however a uniform style for better results is generally adopted.

What is flush right headline?

Flushed Head (Right/Left/Centre)

This is one of the more modern headline forms in use. It consists of two or three lines of headline, each one set flush left, right or to the centre. The design is simple and allows freedom in writing the headline.

What are the 3 types of headlines?

19 types of headlines

  • Direct headline. A direct headline clearly states the purpose of an article. ...
  • Indirect headline. An indirect headline takes a subtle approach by hinting at the main point of an article. ...
  • 3. News headlines. ...
  • How-to headline. ...
  • Question headline. ...
  • Command headline. ...
  • The "reason why" headline. ...
  • Emotional headline.

What is banner headline example?

A banner headline is a large headline in a newspaper that stretches across the front page. Today's front page carries a banner headline 'The adulterer, the bungler and the joker. '

What is the headline in a newspaper?

The title above a story in a newspaper, magazine ornewsletter is called a headline, or "hed" ("head") in print journalism, or a "heading" in online pages. It has the same function in mass media writing as a lead, to call attention to the story, to snare people in.

How to Flush Right in Microsoft Word : Microsoft Word & Excel

What are the parts of a newspaper?

The newspaper structure can be broken down into four key sections which includes the headline, byline, the lead, the body, and the tail.

What is deck in newspaper?

Deck: A small headline running below the main headline; also called a drop head. Drop head: A small headline running below the main headline; also called a deck.

What is hammer headline?

Noun. hammer headline (plural hammer headlines) A brief larger headline above a smaller main headline.

What is kicker in newspaper?

Kicker has also long had a meaning specific to newspaper headlines: a line of newspaper type set above a headline usually in a different typeface and intended to provoke interest in, editorialize about, or provide orientation for the matter in the copy heads.

What is Jump headline?

the headline printed over the continued portion of a story in a newspaper, magazine, etc., usually condensed from the main headline.

What are the types of leads?

Different Types of Leads

  • Summary Lead. A summary lead is the most common and traditional lead in journalism. ...
  • Single-Item Lead. This lead focuses on just one or two elements of a summary lead. ...
  • Delayed Identification Lead. ...
  • Creative Lead. ...
  • Short Sentence Lead. ...
  • Analogy Lead.

What are the 7 types of journalism?

Types of journalism Regarding Hard News

  • Investigative Journalism. ...
  • Political Journalism. ...
  • Crime Journalism. ...
  • Business Journalism. ...
  • Arts Journalism. ...
  • Celebrity Journalism. ...
  • Education Journalism. ...
  • Sports Journalism.

What is the second headline called?

The big bold headline, if it goes all the way across the top, is a banner or banner headline. If there is a headline of large type size over a another line of text of smaller type size which is related to the headline and explains the article, the smaller line of text is called a subheadline, or subhead.

What does flush right mean in word?

(adj) Aligned along a margin. For example, text that is flush left is aligned along the left margin. Flush-right text is aligned along the right margin. The opposite of flush is ragged. Text that is both flush left and flush right is said to be justified.

What is reverse kicker?

The reverse shoulder amplifies the main news point and is used as an extra headline hook to catch the attention of the newspaper reader. It is called reverse shoulder in some Indian newspapers and reverse kicker in some others. Some Indian editors also call it a strapline.

What is a tripod headline?

Tripod: This is a combination of the primary and secondary head. The primary is printed in large type and balanced against the two- line secondary head, printed in smaller type. CLOSE. 6. Hammer: This is a combination of the primary and secondary headlines.

What is curiosity headline?

What Is the Curiosity Gap? The curiosity gap is a theory and practice popularized by Upworthy and similar sites that leverages the reader's curiosity to make them click through from an irresistible headline to the actual content.

What is Folio in newspaper?

FOLIO: A line at the top or bottom of a newspaper page that gives the newspaper name, section and page number, and publication date.

What is the kicker Why is it used?

A kicker, also called a side card, is a card in a poker hand that does not itself take part in determining the rank of the hand, but that may be used to break ties between hands of the same rank. For example, the hand Q-Q-10-5-2 is ranked as a pair of queens. The 10, 5, and 2 are kickers.

What is cross line headline?

Journalism. a headline or bank consisting of a single line running across a column of type, usually centered and sometimes full width.

What is a primary headline?

Primary Headline. Main headline that captures reader attention and delivers dominant message.

What is a decker headline?

A deck headline is a short sentence that follows the main headline and summarizes the article. Decks are often seen in magazines, specifically in feature articles, but this type of headline can also be observed in newspapers.

What is double deck headline?

Headline Size

A one-line hed is what editors call a "single deck," two lines is a double-deck, and so on. So a 2-36-2 headline designation means it will be a two column, 36-point, two-line headline. And 3-48-1 would be a three column, 48 point one-line headline.

What is a drop headline?

: a newspaper headline employing lines of equal length with each lower line indented a consistent number of spaces more than the line above.
