Eduard Einstein: What happened to Albert Einstein's son who spent his days In Insane Asylums?

Did Albert Einstein have a son?

Eduard Einstein is the second son of the famous scientist Albert Einstein. Eduard Einstein was born 28 July 1910 in Zürich, Canton of Zürich, Switzerland to Albert Einstein (1879-1955) and Mileva Marić (1875-1948) and died 25 October 1965 in Psychiatric Clinic Burghölzli, Zürich, Canton of Zürich, Switzerland. The cause of his death was a stroke. Albert Einstein is one of history’s most famous physicists, and his name has become associated with brilliance. However, while virtually everyone is familiar with the scientist and his groundbreaking work, few are aware of the terrible fate of his son, Eduard Einstein.

Eduard Einstein: Bio Summary

Full NameEduard Einstein
Date of Birth28 July 1910
Place Of BirthZürich, Canton of Zürich, Switzerland
Zodiac SignLeo
Age at Time of Death55
Date of Death25 October 1965
Cause of DeathStroke
ParentsFather: Albert Einstien
Mother: Mileva Marić

Eduard Einstein: Early Life and Background

Albert Einstein’s first wife, Milea Maric, was Eduard Einstein’s mother. Maric was the sole female physics student at the Zurich Polytechnic Institute in 1896, where Einstein also studied. Despite the fact that she was four years his senior, he quickly fell in love with her.

The couple married in 1903 and had three children: Lieserl ( Some scholars think Lieserl died from scarlet fever in 1903, while others believe she survived the sickness and was given up for adoption in Maric’s native Serbia), Hans Albert, and Eduard, the youngest.

Eduard Einstein was born in Zurich, Switzerland in 1910, the younger son of Albert Einstein and his first wife, Mileva Marić. Eduard Einstein grew up in Zurich with his older brother Hans and their mother, after she and Albert Einstein had separated.

Einstein and his first wife’s marriage grew sour and he divorced Maric in 1914 but maintained a close relationship with his boys. He visited as often as he could and even took both Hans and Eduard on holiday trips. Albert fondly nicknamed him “tete” after the French word “petit” per All things Interesting. The divorce appears to have had a significant impact on the sons, particularly Hans.

Mileva despised Berlin and left Albert, bringing her two boys with her. She decided to make her home in Zurich instead.

Hans Albert remembered that when he and his brother were little, “father would set aside his work and watch after us for hours” while Maric was “busy about the house,” despite Maric later lamenting that her renowned husband had placed his science above his family.

It was speculated for a long time that Einstien was a cold father to both boys. But recently uncovered correspondence implies he was an encouraging father who was greatly interested in both boys’ lives.

At an early age, Eduard showed promising signs of having inherited his father’s intelligence. The young man excelled in a variety of disciplines, including music and poetry. However, he had a strong interest in psychiatry and idolized Sigmund Freud.

Eduard graduated from high school in 1929 with all A-levels and was considered one of the finest students in his class. Following in his father’s footsteps, he enrolled in Zurich University. He went to medical school to become a psychiatrist. His family was nonetheless concerned about his health, particularly Einstein, who was proud of his son’s accomplishments and prospective success.

However, it appeared for a time that Eduard, like his father, would have a great future. He followed in his father’s footsteps, the aspiring psychiatrist Eduard also fell in love with an older lady in university but the relationship didn’t last as the whole relationship was terrible.

Eduard Einstien’s Health

Eduard Einstein was a sickly kid from birth, and his early years were defined by episodes of illness that prevented him from joining the rest of the Einstein family on family vacations.

Even after he had abandoned the family, Einstein worried about his son, writing to a colleague in 1917, “My little boy’s condition depresses me considerably.” It’s difficult for him to mature into a fully formed individual.”

Being a famous scientist Albert’s coldly scientific mind wondered “if it wouldn’t be better for him if he could part before coming to know life properly,” his parental instincts won over.

He vowed to make his son’s recovery his number one priority. He poured himself on finding the best care and treatments possible for Eduard, even accompanying him to various sanatorium visits.

Eduard’s mental health appears to have taken a turn for the worse around this time. His life spiraled poorly, culminating in a suicide attempt in 1930. Diagnosed with schizophrenia, it’s been suggested that the severe therapies of the time exacerbated rather than alleviated his illness, eventually affecting his speech and cognitive functions.

Albert, for one, felt his son’s illness was inherited from his mother’s side, despite the fact that this scientific discovery did little to alleviate his anguish and guilt. “This sadness is eating away Albert,” his second wife, Elsa, said. The physicist quickly found himself dealing with more than just Eduard’s problems.

The Nazi Party had come to prominence in Europe by the early 1930s, and once Hitler gained office in 1933, Einstein was unable to return to the Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin, where he had worked since 1914.

Einstein was one of the world’s most recognized physicists, but he was also Jewish, a fact that his countrymen couldn’t tolerate, forcing him to leave for America in 1933.

Although Albert had hoped that his younger son, Eduard Einstein, would be able to join him in America with his elder brother, Eduard Einstein’s mental health continued to deteriorate, preventing him from seeking asylum in the United States.

Albert paid a final visit to his son in the asylum where he was being cared for before emigrating. Although Albert would keep up communication and would continue to provide money for his son’s upkeep, the two would not meet again.

Eduard was buried in Hönggerberg cemetery in Zurich when he died of a stroke at the age of 55 in October 1965. He spent the rest of his life in a Swiss institution. He had spent the better part of his life in the Burghölzli mental facility at the University of Zurich.

Eduard Einstein: Living in His Father’s Shadow

Having Albert Einstein as a father wasn’t easy for Eduard Einstein. It’s one thing to manage with a dysfunctional family and a parent you don’t see very often. The hardest problem for Hans and Eduard, though, was living in their father’s shadow.

Albert’s international fame had already been established by the time Eduard Einstein entered university.

He published an honest and revealing self-evaluation, saying:

“Having such an in“It’s at times difficult to have such an important father because one feels so unimportant.”

Some Facts about Eduard Einstien’s dad Albert

1. Einstein didn’t fail math as a child: Underperforming students have long taken comfort in the myth that Einstein failed arithmetic as a child, yet records reveal that he was a gifted, if hesitant, learner. During his scholastic years in Munich, he had excellent marks.

2. No one knows what happened to his first daughter: After graduating, the couple married and had two boys, although Maric gave birth to an illegitimate daughter called Lieserl a year before they married. Einstein never told his family about the kid, and biographers weren’t even aware of her existence until they looked through his personal files in the late 1980s. Nobody knows exactly what happened to Eduard Einstien’s sister to this day.

3. It took Einstein nine years to get a job in academia

4. He offered his wife his Nobel Prize as part of their divorce settlement: Einstein offered her a yearly stipend as part of their separation agreement, as well as any money he may earn from the Nobel Prize. He got married to his cousin Elsa, who remained his wife until her death in 1936.

5. A solar eclipse helped make Einstein world-famous: The May 1919 solar eclipse captured by Arthur Eddington, which proved Einstein’s theory of general relativity

6. He was asked to be president of Israel

7. Einstein’s brain was stolen after his death: Eduard Einstein’s father Albert died in April 1955 from an abdominal aortic aneurysm. He had requested that his body be cremated, but in a bizarre incident, Princeton pathologist Thomas Harvey removed his famous brain during his autopsy and kept it in the hope of unlocking the secrets of his genius

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