Who is Brad Blum? Know his WWE role and responsibilities

Over the years, WWE has established itself as the most successful wrestling brand in the world. While much of the credit goes to the on-screen talent, members of the promotion's leadership have had a role to play as well. One such man who has played a vital role in the company's success is Brad Blum.

A part of the Stamford-based promotion since 2006, Blum has been in various leadership roles since he began his run with WWE. Blum currently serves as the Chief Operating Officer of the company. He oversees Marketing, Creative Services, and Corporate Travel, among several other responsibilities.

While Brad Blum's success in WWE has been well documented, recently, he achieved success outside of it. An alumnus of Harvard Business School, the Ad Council added Blum to its Board of Directors. He became one of the 18 members to have been added to the Board of Directors.

Established in 1942, the Ad Council works on addressing social issues using creative ways. Blum, along with his colleagues, will contribute to the council by offering his expertise and financial support to ensure the Ad Council can carry out its work with ease and effectiveness.

Key Figures from WWE Leadership will reportedly attend Crown Jewel 2023

For several years, Vince McMahon was the whole and soul of World Wrestling Entertainment. However, since McMahon sold the company to Endeavor in April 2023, in a deal worth $9.3 billion, the promotion has witnessed a change in its leadership.

After acquiring WWE, Endeavor Group merged the promotion with UFC into a publicly traded company named TKO Group of Holdings. While this company has several members in its leadership, two of its very important members will reportedly be in attendance for Crown Jewel 2023.

The two members in question are Vince McMahon and Ari Emanuel. As per reports, McMahon is most likely going to attend the Saudi-based premium live event. However, since he was removed from the Stamford-based promotion's creative, it's unlikely for him to play a role in the event.

On the other hand, Ari Emanuel, who serves as the CEO of the TKO Group, is also expected to be in attendance for Crown Jewel. WWE has been hosting events in Saudi since 2018, and the reported visit of top officials at the upcoming PLE can be a vital step in their business relationship.

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