ID's Dead Days of Summer is scheduled to revisit the 1975 brutal murder case of Christie Mullins, a 14-year-old Ohio girl who was bludgeoned to death in a wooded area behind the Graceland Shopping Center.
The episode, titled A Wall of Silence, will air on Thursday, September 8, 2022, chronicling the investigation, the subsequent case, and the discovery of her killer nearly 40 years later.
Christie was discovered partially naked, tied up, and bludgeoned to death. A key eyewitness claimed that a man with severe developmental disabilities, Jack Carmen, was responsible for the heinous crime. However, nearly 40 years later, authorities discovered that the man who claimed to be the witness, Henry Newell Jr., was, in fact, the real killer.
The case was officially closed in 2014 after a few of Newell's relatives came forward, claiming that he had confessed his crimes to them. However, the revelations were of no use given the fact that Henry Newell Jr. died of cancer in 2013. The victim's family, who had suspected him all along, never found justice.
Trigger warning: This article contains graphic information about violence.
Henry Newell Jr.'s niece, Pam Brown, confirmed his role in Christie Mullins' murder
Pam Brown, Henry Newell Jr.'s niece, was among a few of his family members who came forward years after Christie Mullins' murder in 1975, reporting his crimes. 14-year-old Christie, who was bound and murdered in the woods behind the Graceland shopping center, was bludgeoned to death by Henry Newell, who was only recently identified as the real killer.
Initially, according to authorities, Newell came forward as a key eyewitness, claiming to have seen the killer strike the final blow on Christie. He informed authorities that by the time he saw the girl, she was already dead. He then asserted that he was not involved in the crime, naming Jack Carmen as the killer who was eventually found not guilty, given his disabilities.
Henry Newell Jr. threatened and manipulated his niece after murdering Christie Mullins
Pam Brown reportedly claimed she was close to her uncle until she learned of his evil side. She mentioned her uncle's crimes, saying:
"I mean you can just look at it and see pure evilness. He raped a woman in my car. He killed another woman in Bessemer, Alabama."Brown alleged that her uncle subsequently admitted to murdering Christie Mullins. He coerced her into keeping quiet about the killing by threatening to kill her if she did, and at times, even used presents to his advantage. She added:
"He was always the one that said 'oh, Pam needs a new car.' I think he thought if he bought me a new car it would keep my mouth shut. I didn't care about the cars. I cared about making sure I lived."Brown stated that Newell never expressed remorse for any of the crimes he committed and that he eventually passed away in 2013 from lung cancer that had grown into his brain. His niece claimed that she had held back from speaking out until after Newell's death because she didn't feel secure enough to do so.
Henry Newell Jr.'s niece claimed she took a lie detector test after informing authorities of his role in Christie Mullins' murder. Pam Brown stated:
"I went down and did the lie detector test and I didn't have anything to hide. I told them exactly what he told me."Asking for forgiveness from the Mullins family, she added:
"Just knowing that even though it was after he had passed away that I had come forward, that they can find it in their heart, maybe someday, to look and see this was a 16-year-old girl whose life was threatened."Dead Days of Summer airs on Investigation Discovery this Thursday, September 8, 2022.
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