Tammy Peterson Bio, Family, Facts About Jordan Petersons Wife

Tammy Peterson is a former Canadian massage therapist, foster mother, a very supportive wife and mother of two lovely children. Tammy is an individual who believes that everyone should have a home and family to go back to, no matter what has happened during the day. She has opened her home to orphaned and abandoned children for a couple of decades, helping them to realize the comfort, security, care, and love that they may never had enjoyed in their life, due to their circumstances. Peterson is also a very loyal and dedicated wife who has helped her husband remain focused and well grounded.

Tammy Peterson Biography

Tammy Peterson was actually named Tammy Roberts at birth. She was born in Toronto, Canada to the Roberts family on June 3, 1965. There is no information about Tammy’s parents – who they were, what they did for a living, etc. There is also no information about what type of family she grew up in, who her siblings are and her educational background. Even in her adult life, since she started sharing the spotlight with her famous husband, she has shied away from public view and scrutiny. She does not have a presence or visibility on social media, even when most of her family members are very active on social media.


Tammy is married to the love of her life, and their marriage is blessed with two children. She is married to the famous Canadian author, clinical psychologist and university professor of psychology, Jordan Peterson.

Tammy Peterson and her husband practically grew up together, living in the same neighborhood since as early as 8 years old. Jordan would later tell an interviewer, that he fell in love with Tammy from the first moment he laid his eyes upon her. In fact, he could recollect that he told his father, shortly after he met Tammy, that he was going to marry her in the future, even though he was not yet in his teenage years. He once overheard Tammy telling one of her friends that she would not take up her husband’s name when she gets married; she also joked that she would have to marry a wimpy man to actualize her wish.

Tammy Peterson and Jordan eventually got married in 1989, and they have remained married since then. They have a son, Julian, and daughter, Mikhaila Peterson together. After marrying Jordan, Tammy left her job as a massage therapist and began to work as a personal assistant to her husband, while also doubling as his personal adviser.

Facts About Jordan Peterson’s Wife

Though Tammy is an introvert that rarely shares information about herself and her family, here are a few interesting facts about her.

Early Career

Though it is a known fact that Tammy Peterson started her career off as a massage therapist, it is not clear if she had her own business or if she was working as an employee.

Foster Mother

Tammy has been a foster mother to a lot of children over the years. When she turned 30, she greatly disliked seeing children abandoned in orphanages with no family in sight to adopt them. Most of these children without the loving support of a good home to grow up in, end up destitute, drug addicts and even prostitutes, so she decided to do something about it. She would go to orphanages, and adopt children who she brings home with her.

She provides the right atmosphere for these kids to grow up in, she feeds and clothes them, gives them education till they attain a certain age, where they can decide to either launch out on their own or return back to the orphanages. Peterson has been doing this for more than 20 years now, and she has helped to give a new lease of life to so many of these children. Tammy has this firm belief that everyone, regardless of whatever mess may be going on in their lives, deserves a good home to come back to every night.

Net Worth

Tammy Peterson is reportedly worth about $1 million, while her husband is worth about $1.5 million. They may not be crazy rich like some other power couples in the public light, however, they have done pretty well for themselves.
