Ivy Calvins unique finds on Storage Wars explain why his wallet is jam-packed Wed 13 April 2

Ivy Calvin is most recognised for his appearance as a leading cast member on the infamous Storage Wars. He has been featured on the A&E show for years and has managed to make a name for himself as “The King” as well as making a lot of money.

Keep reading to find out just how much the star is worth as well as the exciting ways he has made his fortune.

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Ivy Calvin’s Net Worth

The King is a recurring cast member on Storage Wars and has been featured throughout seasons three, four and five, where he was a leading member.

According to celebritynetworth, he is worth $1.5 million, a lot of which he has made through his appearance on Storage Wars. However, he was also a former footballer and MMA fighter, therefore probably has money saved up from this.

Calvin also owns his own thrift store called Grandma’s Attic in Palmdale, California so he has got his fingers in all the money pies.

“Storage Wars” star Ivy Calvin Wiki: Net Worth, Wife, MMA, Football Career, Eye Injury https://t.co/2g1isBdObS

— USA News (@Usa_news788) April 10, 2022
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Ivy’s career before fame

Before Ivy became a leading member of Storage Wars, he was a successful MMA fighter and American football player that played for Cal State Northridge as a linebacker.

He then moved from football to the ring and became an MMA fighter who was recognised for having the biggest win in 2022, where he defeated his opponent in 60 seconds.

Ivy brought his competitive nature from his sporting career to Storage Wars and has used his skills to help him become a successful storage unit hunter.

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Ivy’s storage hunting career

Before getting involved in storage hunting properly, Ivy was obsessed with storage lockers for decades and spent a lot of his time visiting auctions across the nation, then started selling and buying items.

In 2009 he finally opened his own thrift store in Palmdale called Grandma’s Attic. Here he even sells items that he has brought and found on Storage Wars.

Last year he took his store online in order to reach more customers.


