What Happened To Willie Edwards Eyebrows In Swamp People?

Edwards seems to be doing well with his health and has returned to give fans yet another pack of thrilling experiences.

Reptile hunting is dangerous, and a minor mistake can result in life-threatening injuries. As per Medscape, bites from alligators or crocodiles are usually fatal, and if the victim survives, there may be a high risk of infection.

Swamp People has also evidenced many of its cast members suffering from severe injuries from gators bites. In March 2013, Edwards was severely wounded after a potentially fatal mistake.

Reptile experts need to know that the mouth is the most dangerous part of the gator and ensure it is not alive before sticking their hand in its mouth and pulling it onto the boat.

Willie encountered quite a painful shock when a gator bit down on his hand that he thought was killed. He shouted, "He almost took my fingers off," after yanking his hand away from the reptile's mouth.

His father, Junior Edwards, helped clean up the mess. The gator's bite cut most of his fingers and was so forceful it broke his toe also. He was rushed home for some medical assistance and later recovered.

His Journey On The Show

The croc hunter joined the reality show in Season 1 Episode 2, "Houdini's Last Escape." Swamp People has featured three generations of the Edwards family -Edwards, his father, and now his son.

He slowly started getting into the stature and appearing regularly from Season 3. To fans' surprise, the gator hunter was fired from the show in 2015 at the end of season five.

It caused a major stir on the web; however, showrunners never revealed the actual cause of his firing and prohibited other cast members from talking about the issue.

Luckily, after being away from the show for nearly three years, he returned in 2018 on Season 9 Episode 16, titled "Long Hunter." It appears that the showrunners could not ignore his hunting skill.

Willie started hunting solely after his father stepped away from the job to focus on hoop net fishing. Now, he serves as a regular cast member of the series, and over time his son has joined him in his expedition.

The awaited Season 14 of Swamp People premiered on January 5, 2023.
