Does Rick Steves Have Cancer? The Truth About His Health

Rick Steves has cancer. The American travel tycoon and author confirmed this himself through one of his sites on the internet space.

When the rumors about his health condition started making the rounds on social media, Rick Steves maintained his silence and never bothered to update fans with the latest happenings in his life. However, he later chose to speak up through his site, and in his own words, Rick said, “I have stage four colon cancer.”

Rick Steves Cancer Rumor

In recent times, speculations about Rick Steves’ health condition ran rife on the internet space when it was hinted that the American travel guru was battling cancer. Many of Rick’s fans attested that they noticed a lot of changes in his physical appearance, including loss of weight, and fatigued appearance, and there were those who suggested that the author has also lost some of his hair.

When Rick took a long hiatus from the screen, his absence only went to fuel the rumors which resulted in a heated debate among his fans. While many said the travel guru went to have his cancer treatment in private, others were of the opinion that Rick Steves must have left the screen for personal reasons and is sure to come back when the time is right. After all, the man is human and would always need rest to rebut and attend to his personal needs.

At this point, it was difficult to prove whether the travel tycoon or author had cancer or not and his silence on the issue made it even harder.

Update on Rick Steves’s Health

While many already concluded that Steves was hale and hearty, there were still fans who were eagerly waiting for an update on his health and they were not disappointed.

When the long-awaited update surfaced via Rick’s site, Rick Steves’ Europe, it came with the caption, “Sick, Away, and Alone.” In the body of the post, Steves said he now has a new experience after oodles of trips to Europe. Describing his condition as “Sick, not horrible, Anne’s ex-husband said his weakness was enough to tie him to his bed and tomorrow, he would need to go another spot. His location then was Milan and he was heading to Bologna to spend a few days then head home. Rick said.

In the second paragraph of his post, Sick simply wrote “I have stage four colon cancer, terminal. No known cure for what ails me. Two years of chemo so far. I have been here for two weeks and doing just fine, but now my digestive tract is giving me some issues. At home, it is short-lived, a couple of hours or more, then a change, and I feel better. Waiting for that to happen now.”

In the post, he also talked about his stamina which he said can carry him for daily walks of about ten miles or even more. In conclusion, Rick said he just had to write the post to make himself feel a bit ok and when gets home, he would then wait it out but may have to resort to other measures if it acts differently.

In his closing remark, the travel tycoon said he was there with the blessing of his oncologist.

Did Rick Steves Have Surgery?

Rick Steves did have surgery but not for cancer. In 2018, the American author revealed that he needed to replace a heart valve which made him go under the knife. However, nothing has been said about his cancer surgery. No one knows whether his cancer is operable or inoperable.

Is Rick Steves Still Alive or Dead?

Rick Steves is still alive and still lives in the United States but there are no latest updates about the American author’s health. In the post through which Rick revealed his condition to fans, the father of two said he would be heading home after he was done with his treatment but since then, fans have not heard from him again.
